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It felt like time stopped.

It felt like I was on cloud nine.

I'm probably am.

Sparks flowed through my body, and I almost moaned from the feeling. I closed my eyes and just stood there with his lips on mine. He was frozen.

Shocked probably.

I didn't know why I did it, but it just seemed right when it came to thought. I was about to pull away, that's when his arms wrapped around my waist and held me there. His lips started to move.

I'm kissing him.

I'm really am kissing him.

After all that, I decided to kiss him.

I start to pull away but he brings me closer to his chest and starts to move his lips faster. I can't control my lips, and how they are reacting to this.

One of his hand goes behind my neck and he continues to kiss me. I growl but it comes out as a moan for our ears to hear. My eyes snap open and he's are already looking at me. There're a mix of hazel and black.

My hands are still around his face and I tried so hard to move them down to his chest to push him away, but fûckin Audrey decides to come up, trying to get control.

Stop Audrey! I need to pull back! I only did this before he did something stupid.

Well clearly we both like what's happening. Right when she said that he moan into the kiss.

That sent a shiver down my spin. He pulled me even tighter and my hands were still on his cheeks, but they slowly became limp. So they slowly fell down his neck, to his chest. I felt his heart pounding fast and hard against his chest.

Audrey. We have to stop! I didn't mean to make this is a makeout session!

Well clearly he does. Stop.

I growled again but it coming out as a another moan. I wanted to growl out of frustration, but I know that would just make him think I'm enjoying it.

Because you are.


I had to fight over my body because Audrey was taking control, she made our arms move around his neck bringing us together even more. He groaned in response.

Audrey quit it! We need to stop! I cant even breathe!!

Oh you're fine. I'll take over. I have bigger lungs.

Audrey! We have the same body! We are not in wolf form!!

Oh, well. I guess we can pull back.

I'm going to kill you Audrey.

No you're not, because if you did. You'll kill yourself too.

I blocked her out and she finally listen to me because I was almost gasping for air. I unwrapped my hands around his neck and pushed him back with so much force that he stumbled back.

I took a huge breath in and exhale out. My cheeks are flushed while I looked to him seeing him standing tall with flushed cheeks with a full on smile.

His eyes are turning back to his normal hazel and he takes in a breath.

I'm still trying to get my air back, but one thing just popped in my mind. I looked behind me, but didn't see Helmer. I looked around, yet he wasn't there.

I looked back to Alcander and see him taking a step towards me. I take one back, but when he see this, he stops. "Is that another step to us together?" He asked.

He smiles even bigger and his eyes are lit with happiness. My heart pumped faster at the sight. "I did that so you won't do anything stupid and make me hate you even more then I do now."

"I'm just going to think that you wanted to kiss this handsome thing." He winks while I roll my eyes.

"Think what ever you want, but just know that I did that before you might kill your best fighter here now." I stood up and took one more breath in and exhaled out while my heart started to pump in it's normal rhythm.

"Just admit it Jenna. You wanted to feel these lips on yours." He smirks now.

"I'm done with you. Go do Alpha stuff." I start to walk away and walk towards the kitchen. I hear him start to walk behind me while I walk to Janet who's making sandwiches for the omegas and the pups running around.

"Can I have one?" I asked while I walked next to her and see a little boy running away from her with a sandwich in hand.

She looks over shoulder and smiles, "Of course Lun- Jenna. Alpha, want one?" She raises an eyebrow while I feel his arm wrap around my waist, but I take out my claws and dig them in his arm.

He didn't seem fazed by it, and pulled me back to his chest while he rested his head on top of mine. "I'll like that."

I elbowed his stomach as he groan and I unhooked his arm just in time when Janet turned around with two sandwiches in hand smiling. She hands me one and gives the other to Alcander.

"Thank you." I say while I take a bite out of mine while I hear him breathe out shaky and inhales big. "Thank you." He says.

She comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, "What are you guys now? Because you are not trying to fight him no more. What happen? And who's that new guy, he stole that sandwich from my hand."

"I'll tell you later." I whisper back.

She nods and continues to make the sandwiches for the pups.

I start to walk away and I hear him walking next to my side. "Aren't you going to leave me alone now?" I said while I took another bite out of the sandwich.

"Yeah, but then how are we going to fix this problem of us? Now, what's your favorite color?" We walk out the door and walk around his pack grounds.

"Blue. You?"

"Green. Favorite thing to do?"

I look over to him and see him smiling down at me, "I love to draw. You?"

He smiles but his eyes dull, "My favorite going to visit my mom and my dad." He looks at me in the eyes, which makes my heart speed up.

"That's sweet. Where are they?" I asked while I waved at some pups who were looking at me and smiled crazy when I waved at them.

"Under ground." He mumbled. I stop and look at him and see him looking down kicking at some rocks.

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't you who killed them." He looked up and gave me a dark look while his face turned to a scowl. "It was your old Alpha."



Yes the beginning was so magical but if you read any of my other books, I love to twist the whole book around.


I'll explain more in the next chapter, but let's see if you can all handle Alcanders dark childhood.

Anyways see you guys soon!!

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