Chapter Twenty Nine

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My head was pounding. I was half asleep and half awake and I didn't even know where I was or how to pronounce my name, yet I knew one thing for sure: my head was pounding. I groaned into a pillow and squeezed my eyes shut as the initial haziness from waking up clears and I fully come to. I take a deep breath and freeze.

That was not the smell of my pillows. While my pillows smelled consistently of the lemon detergent my mom uses in the washer machine, these pillows smelled musky like coffee grinds or something of the sort. Slowly, I lifted my head from the pillow and looked around the room to confirm I was not, indeed, in my own bedroom.

My eyes scanned the room cautiously and stopped on a figure lying face down on the hardwood floor with a blanket bundled up by his head to act as a pillow. I stare at the person for a good minute as I think of what to do. I was in a strange bedroom that most definitely did not belong to me or anyone I knew and there was someone passed out on the floor.

Momentarily, I panic and wonder what I did last night. Did me and the floor-person hook up or something? I glance down to see that I'm still in the too sizes too tight outfit that Georgina had me wear and take the fact that the person is lying on the floor instead of the bed as a good sign. Relief floods me briefly before I remember the odd situation I found myself in. 

I sit up in bed and swing my legs over the side carefully so my feet touch the cold hardwood floor. As I move to stand up, the floorboard creeks under my feet, and I watch in horror as the stranger stirs from his sleep. I freeze in my position as I watch the person shift and watch wide eyed as Carter sits up and looks at me.

I'm not sure if I'm relieved that it's not a stranger or horrified that it's Carter lying on the ground, so I don't make a move. Instead I just stare. I stare at Carter's bedhead that I so badly wanted to run my fingers through, and at his hazel eyes that blink at me in a daze. We look at each other for a good minute before he runs a hand through his messy hair and smiles at me.

"Good morning," Carter's voice is husky from sleep.

I pretend like I don't notice his extremely sexy morning voice and instead ask him, "Why am I not at home? And why are you on the floor?"

He scratches his head as he looks at me sheepishly. "Well, you got pretty wasted last night and we came up here-"

"Oh God," I cover my face with my hands as panic sets in. "We didn't have sex, right?"

Carter shakes his head and I let out a breath of relief. He stares at me blankly for a moment before he shakes his head slowly. "I'll try not to take offense to how relieved you look that we didn't do anything. I took you upstairs and you passed out."

But I was relieved, especially because I was trying to maintain the whole I-don't-like-you-anymore act. I expect Carter to look deflated, like he often did when I was cold to him, but he looked at me with newfound determination. It shocked me initially and I just stared into his golden flecked eyes for a long moment.

"So this is Wes' house," I announce awkwardly as I tear my gaze away from Carter's to glance around. "Do you know what time it is?"

Carter feels around in his pockets for something before producing a phone from there. I narrowed my eyes at it to see it better, and then realized it was my phone. He glances down at the screen and then back up at me.

"Nine fifty seven," He answers casually and then tosses my phone on the bed. 

My eyes practically bulge out of their sockets. "It's ten o'clock? Oh God," I groan as I drop my head into my hands. "My mom is going to kill me. I told her I was going to a movie, not staying out all night."

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