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She just finished fixing her hair as her foot touchdown on one of the back streets. She closed her eyes and searched the town for the shop she remembered. As her magic formed a map in her mind she opened her eyes and frowned. It was on the other end of the entire place. She didn't fill much like flying anymore and definitely not like walking.

Ah, what the heck may as well just teleport to it. She thought and pushed against the fabric of reality. A rift opened to the small bakery and she stepped through.

The owner of the shop seeing her appear threw up his arms and cried with delight, "Ah, Your Highness you returned. I trust you enjoyed your last meal here?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't." She answered with a smile.

The man practically jumped out of his skin with joy at her response as he asked, "What may I get you today?"

"I like fifteen of your bean buns." XRenia answered.

"Coming right up," he said pulling out a white bag.

As he filled the bag he said, "Out for a brisk flight?"

"huh?" XRenia answered.

He nodded with his chin towards her burnt clothes.

"Oh ya."

The man's happy attitude faded away as he set the now full bag on the counter and in a quiet voice he asked. "We're not going to war are we?"

XRenia's own smile almost faded but she forced it to stay as she replied, "Naw, I just like to keep in shape and pushed my natural limits while flying." Which was the honest truth but she couldn't help but feel that she was lying.

She reached into her dimensional inventory and pulled out two gold coins and put them on the counter.

The man's jolly white hat dropped to the floor as he watched her put down the money down. "Oh no, that's far too much it's only one silver for each.

She picked up the white bag and forced open another rift. "Keep the change." She said and step through the rift to her favorite place in the world.

Thankfully the beautiful green meadows that stretched on as far as the eye could see were actually part of her family's kingdom. Because for the first time in her life she was not sure it would be wise or safe for her to trespass on another nation.

She pulled out a bean bun and took a bite of it and plopped herself down at the base of the great oak tree that sat at the top of a bluff that overlooked the pasture. She took two more bites and stared unthinkingly over the endless expanse.

Only when she had finished the pastry did she stir. "Okay, so if even the common people know about the tension then I must've been blind. Maybe this whole banishment thing might not be so bad. I mean it's not like they can stop me from coming back here. Even if I have to do so in secret."

She reached into the bag and pulled out another of snacks. "It's not like I really am losing anything. My grandfather is very likely to outlive all of us and I never wanted to rule anyway." She chewed thoughtfully. "Thaxium on the other hand is a problem. With my magical powers I'll probably still be able to construct a comfortable place to live. But without servants I'dI have to do a lot of the everyday menial chores."

XRenia finished the second bean bun and reached for a third. "Hum... Maybe mom's right if I got me a man he could do a lot of that stuff. But how in the world would I go about getting one?"

"Well I guess I need to make a list of things he'd have to have or be first. Then I'd need to search for one that fits my criteria."

She laid the half eaten sweet in the grass and raised her hands to eye level. She touched her thumbs and index fingers together and slowly drew them apart. A golden scrying bubble came into existence and she pushed energy into it expanding it into a large screen. She picked back up the pastry and continued munching. "Alright the search part will be pretty easy. But what do I search for? Looks don't really matter that much if need be I can morph him with my magic after we are married. It might take some work to keep it always on him but I'm sure I can do it."

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