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"You shouldn't have gotten that angry," Verin said as she stepped out of the portal into their palaces throne room.

"You're awake?"

"Ya," Verin said as he unfolded himself and stood up. "I just didn't think it was wise for me to draw attention to myself while your grandfather was talking."

"How do you feel?"

"Like I had my insides ripped out then unceremoniously pushed back in," he said with a teasing smile.

"It's not funny you almost died."

"Not really. Your grandfather and father knew what they were doing."

Images of blood splattering everywhere as her grandfather and father brutally ripped the poison out of him flashed in her mind and she found herself cringing.

"It wasn't that bad."

"It was too! Your blood was splattered all over their arms."

"It was just poison."

"Blood and poison!"

He shrugged.

"Well you might be okay with it. But I'm of a good mind to go rip Shan's city out of the sky then hunt down headmaster Alton myself."

Neo appeared in a doorway at the far end of the cathedral room. "Permission to approach?" he asked, his voice echoing off the floor and glass domed ceiling.

"No." "Sure." XRenia and Verin answered at the same time.

Verin waved for him to come over and XRenia shrugged walked over to her makeshift throne and plopped herself into it.

"I'm glad to see that you're well your highness." Neo said as he approached.

"Please don't call me your highness just call me by my name like you always have."

"Your name?"

Verin frowned. "You know Vifc.. "Verin." XRenia snapped. tif."

"Ah, right Verin," Vifctif sighed.

Neo smiled and glanced over Verin shoulder at her. "I trust you are in good health?"

"Ya, were both fine. She is just upset because her family refused to rip headmaster Alton's head off."

"I don't see how you're not!" She shot back.

Neo chose wisely to stay out of the subject and instead said, "After you left I hacked Shantopia's systems and I have a few things I wish to show you."

"Sure," Verin said. He walked back and sat on the arm of XRenia's throne while Neo formed a scrying. As Verin leaned back he casually reached his arm behind her and rested it on the top of her throne. He hadn't exactly put his arm around her but she fully felt the intention. She was not however sure how she felt about it. How could he and her grandfather excuse Alton so easily?

"Hey, I've never excused him."

"Yeah but I can feel that you let him off the hook!" She exclaimed.

"That's different. I've chosen to forgive him and not to hold a grudge against him. That does not in the least bit mean I agree with his actions or methods. In fact despite his good intentions I fully believe him trying to kill me was wrong."

"Then why aren't you mad at him!"

Verin opened his mind to her then pushed how he felt at her. It was completely different from how she felt. Her insides were all in a knot, her shoulders tense and anger burned in the back of her throat, but he.. But he felt completely at peace. In fact she had never felt such peace before. The peace flowing through him like an ocean was beyond all comprehension... It was almost supernatural.

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