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Chapter 11

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Hank drove down the highway with Tom and Liz sitting in the front seat. The rest of the humans were in the truck box with me. Once again, I had my back against the cab as I watched the dust swirl behind the pickup truck.

Nicky had no problems sitting in the other corner behind the cab even though mere feet separated us. Ben was still leery and gave me my space. Marissa seemed to have gotten over the worst of her fears, but she still didn't come close. Both of them sat with Chloe against the tailgate with our supplies piled in the middle.

Hank honked the horn as he called out the driver's window, "We have a Runner ahead, and I won't be able to dodge him. Do you have any suggestions?"

I rose into a crouch and peered over the cab. "Keep driving. I'll keep him out of the back."

Hank swerved so the Runner would be on my side. Ben scrambled the other way, not taking any chances. It would be far too easy for a Runner to pull itself over the side or drag someone out.

As we passed the Runner, it ran at the truck with outstretched arms, barely missing the side mirror. I lunged forward with a ferocious snarl as I swiped out with my nails. My sudden presence startled it, and it balked with a snarl of its own.

Within seconds, the truck had passed the Runner, and even as slow as we were going, its speed wasn't sufficient to catch up. As I sat back down, Chloe whined faintly from where she was huddled by Ben, who was holding her collar.

I had told them earlier this morning that I could keep one or two zombies at bay as long as we kept moving, although judging by how pale Ben's and Marissa's faces were, I doubted they realized exactly what that entailed at the time.

Nicky grinned widely at my method of keeping the Runner away while sporting her new sunglasses. She leaned to the side and elbowed my arm lightly. I raised an eyebrow at her and growled lightly at the invasion of my personal space.

She wasn't fazed and continued to grin at me. "I love having a zombie as a friend. You make things interesting."

Yep. She had definitely been dropped on her head as a child. I shook my head at her unique outlook on life. Of all the people to not be bothered by the fact that I was a zombie...

To my surprise, she slid a bit closer and patted my shoulder even though I bristled at the touch.

"You may be growly, but we'll love you anyway," she told me cheerfully. "Besides, we know you like us. Why else would you be hanging out with humans?"

I didn't appreciate the contact or her revelations. Since growling wasn't working, I'd have to try a different tactic to teach her to give me my space. My sister had also been a huggy type of person, but I clearly recalled a certain maneuver that always made her stay out of arm's reach for a while.

With a faint snort, I grabbed Nicky's arm and tugged her closer. I swiftly wrapped my arm around her neck and gave her a noogie. She flailed her arms at the unexpected retaliation.

Seconds later, I released her, and she sat back up, still grinning. She lightly punched my arm in mockery, and as I had hoped, slid back to where she had been sitting before.

"So, you proved you can put the run on the Runners. What about other Nightstalkers or Terrors?" she asked.

"They would have to be feral to come after us. I have the upper hand over a feral Nightstalker since I can use weapons. I've never encountered a Terror, but from what I've heard, they are stronger and faster than Nightstalkers."

Nicky frowned at that news. "So, we're screwed if we come across a Terror?"

"Pretty much. I wouldn't be able to hold one off for more than a minute or so, and you wouldn't be able to get away in that much time. I might be able to grab Liz and run, but if it gave chase, we'd be done for."

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now