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Chapter 85

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"What happened to you?" I asked Nicky as she sat down at the breakfast table, pulling a fifth chair over to the end of the table.

"Someone lent me a book with comics," she replied, pointedly looking at Jess. "I couldn't stop reading until I'd finished the entire thing."

"You look really tired," Jess sympathized. "How late did you stay up?"

"Not sure, but I haven't stayed up that late in months." She yawned, then proceeded to ask, "Perhaps someone will let me have a cup of coffee to help me wake up?"

"No." Nina, Daniel, and I all spoke at the same time. Jess gazed blankly at us, taken aback by the response to Nicky's seemingly innocent question. I was sure she'd learn the reason firsthand one day, but I'd rather put off that lesson as long as possible.

Nicky blinked sleepily at us. "That isn't how you spell yes."

"That's because we said no, not yes," Daniel told her firmly. "Besides, we have other important tasks for you today."

"First I've heard of this. What tasks?"

"We're expecting some traders to show up sometime after lunch. Once they show up, we want you to keep Trinity company and help avert any problems. This group occasionally gets a bit rowdy, and they won't realize she's a Nightstalker."

"In other words, you want me to keep her out of their way and prevent her from killing someone today?"

Nina winced slightly. "Not the most diplomatic wording, but essentially, yes."

"Fine by me," Nicky said with a shrug, "but I want a particular turkey's drumstick on my plate by the end of next week."

Nina smirked. "Deal."

The way they grinned at one another made me shake my head in disbelief. Nina had better not join Nicky on the dark side... and they had better not drag my sister along with them.

"What will the traders be bringing?" Jess inquired, looking interested.

"This bunch normally just has staples like grain, corn, sugar beets, and wool from the plains to the south. Often, dried fruit such as plums and pears. Sometimes they have knives and other tools, but Ironwind is among the few places who'll lure zombies out of stores, so that isn't really something we need."

"How is bartering done?" Jess asked. "By trading valuables like I've seen in other Strongholds?"

"Generally, yes. Those in charge of supplies make the biggest trades so we have some variety in our meals, although individuals are welcome to barter with small personal items, such as things they make in their spare time or produce from a personal garden, if they have one."

"I'd like to check it out, if I can."

"Certainly. There will be smaller tables to the side for people looking to trade their own stuff. The bigger trades are usually negotiated ahead of time, so it's mostly a matter of unloading what we get and giving them their supplies. There isn't a big rush with that, so things are pretty laid back."

"I'm looking forward to seeing it! I've always loved fairs and markets," Jess gushed, her eyes bright with the prospect of checking out what the traders might have.

I, on the other hand, had zero interest in going near the trading area. There were bound to be crowds, and there was nothing I needed so badly that I was going to push my way through a horde of people keen on "shopping".

"And I shall find a quiet place to look on from a distance," I murmured.

With a grin, Jess admitted, "I don't really have anything to trade, but I love looking."

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now