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"And then the poor bloke woke up drunk and naked as a newborn in a Newhaven alleyway!"

Everyone in the galley burst out laughing at the conclusion of the sail master's story. I had to cover my hand with my mouth to keep from spitting out any partially chewed food. The afore mentioned "poor bloke" happened to be the man sitting beside the sail master. He promptly elbowed his friend in the ribs and tried to regain what was left of his dignity.

"Ye be tellin' tall tales, Butler. Still had my unders and all. May have lost me pride, but I learned me not to go messin' with them English types."

That earned another round of laughter. Before they could say anything else, I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth before I ended up either choking on it or spitting it out.

This dinner assembly in the galley had been the first time I properly got to meet a lot of the crew. True to his word, Uncle Paul's men were quite accepting of having a woman onboard. They didn't shun me, like Jay's crew had done, and they didn't even try to blame anything on my being aboard the ship. Instead they gladly let Jay and I join them for the meal.

Dinner was also the first time I got to meet the only other woman onboard. She was the ship's doctor, which had earned her a lot of respect from the men, and I also heard a lot of rumors about her wicked fighting skills. She had that Caribbean look about her --tanned skin, a small, rounded nose, and long dark hair -- and the way she held herself hinted that she was ready for a fight to erupt at any given moment.

Uncle Paul had told me her name was Lira Dukes. The crew called her Finch, though I still hadn't gathered why. The woman bore little resemblance to the small land bird.

"I'm surprised Pete here remembers anything about that night," another man inputted. "He was so drunk, he fainted after barely pulling himself onto the ship."

I think Pete gave up on trying to redeem himself. The story was too far gone to turn it around. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and picked at his food.

Finch didn't speak much during the dinner conversations. She did stop to input something once in a while, but other than that, kept to herself.

It was reassuring in a way, knowing I wasn't completely alone as the only woman on the ship. Even if she didn't talk to me that much, just her presence was comforting.

After a while, the men started to filter out in groups, returning to their duties. I figured that it was as good a time as any to ask Jay something that had been bothering me for some time now.

I took hold of his hand, taking him by surprise, and led him away from the galley.

"What are you doing, Elizabeth?" he asked me in a low voice once we were alone in the narrow hallway.

I wasted no time in getting to the point.

"You were searching for something," I said as I studied his reaction, "before we met. What was it?"

He gave me an odd look, "I am not quite certain I know what you mean."

"It was an artifact," I continued. "An artifact to help with your... condition."

"How did you... nevermind that. It makes no difference now. It was just a foolish hope."

"Sometimes hope it's all you need," I mumbled, feeling quite philosophical. Then I shook that thought away. "I'm just curious as to what that artifact was."

"It's... nothing," he tried to escape the question, but one look from me was enough to make him sigh. "It is more of a legend among pirates. It's a cursed medallion, rumored to heal any ailment. I've been seeking it near some equatorial islands."

"Have you found any leads?" I asked with my arms folded over my chest.

"Leads?" he asked.

I quickly rephrased, "Clues, ideas of where it might actually be located, that kind of thing."

"I believe it is located in the Caribbean," he said with a slight shrug, "but that information is of little use to me now. I am no longer a captain. I do not set the course of this ship."

"That may be true," I nodded and held my chin in mock thought, "but it just so happens that I am related to the captain of this ship, and he owes​ me for several years of missed birthday presents."

Jay couldn't help but smirk a little at that, but the smile quickly turned to a confused frown, "What are you implying?"

"I'm implying," I drawled out, "that we should inquire with my uncle about the destination of this ship. Perhaps we can make a suggestion as to the route."

Jay hesitated, "You- you'd do that for me?"

"Of course," I smiled. "You've done so much for me that I only wanted to return the favor."

He pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso in response and laid my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he held me closer to him.

"Thank you," he breathed as he pulled away from me. "It means a lot."

"So is that an 'okay'? Because if it is, then we should probably go speak with my uncle."

Jay chuckled and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. Then he placed a hand on my lower back and started to walk with me.

"Yes," he said. "Let's go speak with your uncle."



Hey guys! Another Saturday is here already!

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