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I felt a strange sense of deja vu. Sounds were muffled in my ears, my chest felt heavy, and there was a terrible itching sensation in my windpipe. 

A sudden pressure on my chest made something gurgle in my lungs.

Oh, Lord. I must've drowned again.

It only took one more time for my body to lurch into action. I coughed all of the water from my lungs out onto the sand of a beach I did not expect to be on. I think I may have thrown up in the midst of it all, but it was hard to tell.

I felt a hand on my back then. It was soothing in a way, but also a bit startling. I jumped a little and coughed more at the sudden jolt. I turned tiredly to see Jay crouching beside me.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly as his thumb ran across my shoulder blade.

"Yeah," my voice was hoarse, but I swallowed and continued. "What happened? Where are we?"

Jay's face went a little paler as he looked behind me. "I was going to ask you that."

I followed his gaze and was startled to see boats. No, not pirate ships. Boats. Sail boats to be exact. Like...

I squinted and placed my hand on Jay's shoulder, using him as balance as I shakily stood.

"I-I know this harbor."


I pulled Jay forward, forcing him to become my personal crutch as we made our way to the docks. I had him lift me onto the wooden planks before he jumped up himself. Then he helped get me back onto my feet.

I counted the boats, one by one, until we reached one that looked all too familiar.

"Lucy," I muttered as I looked at the sailboat that had started this whole adventure. I blinked back tears, not sure how this was possible. We were... 

"Jay?" I whispered quietly.

"Aye?" he sounded a little freaked out as he looked out at the sailboats surrounding us.

"What exactly happened... when I fell into the water."

"I dove in after you."

"What else," I asked as I stared at Lucy.

"We were pretty deep by the time I reached you, and I was having a hard time getting us back to the surface."

"What was going through your mind?"

"I don't know," he sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "I was afraid, I suppose. I thought we were going to die."

"What exactly were you thinking?" I pressed.

I saw his jaw tighten a bit, and his eyes closed in frustration as he told me. "I was thinking that if you'd never gone back in time -if we'd never met- then you wouldn't be dying because of me."

I felt my eyes start to water as I put the pieces together.

"Jay," my voice was thick with unshed tears as I wrapped my arms around his torso, "You brought me home."

I felt him stiffen at my words, "What?"

"You brought me home," I repeated. "This is my time period... the 21st century. Hell, you brought me straight to Boston. I grew up here. I played on these very docks. My initials are carved somewhere into the bottom of the boards we are standing on. You brought me home."

He blinked and looked around in a mixture of terror and wonder. "I did?"

I nodded and wiped at my eyes, "Time travel must be a trait of the gods. Salacia was the one who brought me the first time. She's the wife of Neptune."

"But I- I am not a god," Jay protested, looking down at his hands as if they would burst into flames at any moment.

"No," I looked up at him sadly, "but you are a demigod."

I watched his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and cringed at my straightforwardness. 


I cringed again at the look in his eyes. Confusion and accusation.

"I didn't think I should be the one to tell you," I tried to defend myself as I raised my hands in surrender, "but Neptune is your father. I think that's why you've been having all these weird connections to the ocean, and how you were able to time travel. I found out today that Phineas was also a son of Neptune, your half brother, I guess, but he didn't inherit any powers so he took out his revenge on you."

I stopped my little rant and looked up at him. He looked so conflicted, angry almost, but when his eyes met mine again, they softened slightly.

"I'll deal with that later," he said and looked inland, to where the lights of the city were illuminating the night sky. He then looked back at me with an uncertain expression. "What do we do now?"



Hey guys!!!

Short chapter but an early update to make up for it! Hope you like it!

I'm a little curious to see how you guys picture me, so I'm going to ask you a few questions. I'll post the answers at the end of my next chapter. :)

How old do you think I am?

Where do you think I'm from?

Vote. Comment. Be awesome.


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