Bonfire (Ch 17)

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It’s been a week since the Port Angeles day and things were… weird. I mean I was loving every minute of it (except for the eight hours when Jake and the boys were gone.. those weren’t fun), but things have been getting more and more different. That weekend that I arrived went by quickly, just hanging out with the boys of course Jared was kind of MIA due to Kim’s return. I still hadn’t met her, but I knew that once school started I would meet her and others. But that wasn’t for another week. Billy had called the school for me and they were happy to accept me for my second senior year, however I had to wait for the second marking period to begin which wouldn’t be for a while. So that was why I was stuck at home all week while the boys were at school. And even some days, they had school work or the whole patrolling the Rez thing so I wouldn’t see them until like nine at night and after spending pretty much every waking moment with Jake that weekend, I didn’t like the fact that I hardly saw him. But when I did, we acted like we hadn’t seen each other in months, even though it was just twenty four hours or so. Jake and I had always been a little more physical than regular friends, always hugging each other hello ad goodbye and teasing each other with playful punches and nudges. But recently, we’ve kicked it up a notch. It seemed that whenever Jake was around me, we would be touching about ninety percent of the time. He would hold my hand even if we were just sitting down and watching tv. Or he’d randomly sneak up on me and pick me up to freak me out. And even the other night while I was washing the dishes, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and stayed there until I was finished. What’s strange though, was nobody ever commented or even took notice to our sudden physical-ness. But I guess they just figured it was just a friendly thing. I mean… it was. But... Fine I’ll admit it. I loved having him close to me and I loved that he loved me being close to him. And yes that means I have finally given up my denial. Jacob Black had officially settled into my heart for good. Simply, I had fallen for my best friend.

Now it was finally Friday and I was walking through the Reservation’s empty paths, headed for First Beach. Billy had decided it would be a perfect night for a bonfire since the rain had finally let up. Emily and I were running a little late because I couldn’t decide what to wear and she was finishing up the dishes so the bonfire must have already started by now. We both kind of blended in with the dark night seeing as we had decided each on black tops. She had a plain black blouse and jeans while I wore a tight long sleeved shirt with a black vest on top and skinny jeans tucked into boots. We walked arm in arm, already hearing the chattering and seeing the large orange fire from afar. It seemed that everyone had made it and was already socializing with respective friends. Emily and I separated, she going to sit beside Sam on one of the log and I going to look for the guys. My boots dug into the sand as I walked around, looking for the familiar faces. The thing about the Rez, is pretty much everyone had black hair and dark skin so I really had to focus to spot them. Unexpectedly, I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around my waist and the recognizable smell of his cologne fill my nose.


“And then she literally took the screwdriver and stabbed the wood, right next to my hand.” Seth continued on with his story as everyone laughed. “She’s fucking crazy, that woman!”

He had been complaining about his wood shop teacher ever since we got back from school. Apparently, she had failed him on his coffee table. I really don’t blame her, it looked like a box. I wasn’t really paying much attention to him- my eyes were scanning the crowds for Lucy who supposedly was supposed to come with Emily. When I saw her cousin seated right beside Sam near the fire, I knew she had to be around here somewhere.

“Right there.” Quil whispered from beside me, pointing his finger in a direction to my left. I followed it and found Lucy standing just a few feet away from the fire. I took her in, my mind a haze as I kept my gaze on her. She stood with her arms folded in front of her, looking around herself. Her brown hair, seemed even richer from the light of the embers, usually down was different tonight, up in a high ponytail with her bangs clipped back revealing more of her face. It looked even whiter than usual, but it was beautiful nonetheless, glowing from the flames.

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