Hot And Heavy Future (Ch 43)

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A few minutes later found us lying on my bed, my head rested against his shoulder and his arms around me.

“You falling asleep?” He whispered through the darkness.

“mm” I nodded, burying my head deeper into the crook of his neck. The hard scent of his cologne filled me and pulled me deeper into tiredness.

I could feel his fingers softly dancing against the curve of my waist and up under my arm where his hand rested against my ribs.

“You think you can hang on for a little bit more?” his voice sounded amused and I tried my hardest to pull myself back to complete consciousness.


His chuckle grew, “well babe that would involve you using bigger sentences with actual words.” I felt him tickle my cheek and my eyes finally fluttered open.

“Sorry.” I leaned back on the pillow and stretched before curling back up against him. “What do you need to talk about?”

I already had an idea. And I was kind of glad he wanted to talk about it instead of me opening the subject.

“How do you see yourself in ten years?” He asked, resting his body on his side and his hand on my stomach.

“Well that’s easy.” I smirked, “I’m gonna be a super hero.”

Jake immediately laughed placing his head into my shoulder as his chuckles vibrated the bed. “You still remember that, huh?”

I laughed and nodded, “Of course. It was a perfect opportunity to throw back one of your answers.”

“Well besides fighting crime, what do you plan to do on the side, WonderWoman?”

I giggled and gazed at the ceiling. “Hmm,WELL I see myself with you.” I smiled at him.

“Naturally..” He nodded retuning the smile.

“ But everything else just fades to a blur.”

His eyebrows furrowed “what do you mean? Aren’t you going to be some big time fashion designer?”

I sighed, “Before that used to be the vision. Me owning my own label and traveling the world.”

“Well what changed your mind?”

I rubbed his bicep and gazed at him. “A little imprinting situation.”

I didn’t expect him to frown so deeply. “Luce.. I don’t want you to give up your dreams because of me. That’s stupid.”

“It’s not because of you, Jake.” I placed my hand behind his neck cupping the warm skin, “I just.. after experiencing it for three years and the being home with you guys I realized that it isn’t worth it. I am a hundred times happier over here than I was over there.”

“But baby this is your dream. Maybe it’s just the whole imprinting thing getting in the way. You feel that going after what you want will keep you away from me, but hun that’s not the case.”

I nodded, “You’re right, at the beginning it was like that. But when I look in my future I don’t see me travelling all over the world and dealing with all those fashion people. I mean it was an amazing experience and I don’t regret it, but maybe there’s something else I’ll love doing.”

“Okay, well what do you have in mind?”

I wish I knew. “I don’t know.I really need to just think. What do you see me being?”

His hand ran through my hair, “I honestly just want to see you happy. No matter what you decide”

I smiled softly running my thumb over his lips. “Well that’s guaranteed as long as you’re in that future. But what about you? How do you see yourself in ten years?”

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora