Chapter 3

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"Rory," Justin interrupted the conversation. "That guy is coming over here again..."

Rory looked up from his lunch to see Deacon headed their way. The table fell silent, but Deacon just smiled at them all. "Rory, do you want to go out for lunch?" he offered.

"I have..." Rory held up his sandwich. "I brought my own." 

"Come on, I'll pay," Deacon insisted. "You really want to turn down free food?" 

Rory huffed and looked down at his sandwich, trying to decide. "No thanks," he mumbled, thinking of all of those low quality kitchens. No way they could be clean. "Don't you have class?"

"I have a sub," Deacon smiled. " I'm 'going to the library'. As long as I'm back before the end of the period I'm fine."

"So you're ditching," Rory pointed out.

"Oh come on, I don't have lunch until one," Deacon frowned. "Just wait until next year when you have a later lunch. Then yes, you'll leave class for food. Come on. You can bring your lunch and eat it there." 

Rory gave in and started to put his lunch back into a grocery bag. "Later," he said to Justin and Aaron, though he wasn't really thrilled about going. 

He followed Deacon outside and to his car. It was a short, two-minute drive to the nearest off-campus fast food place. Deacon ordered a burger and fries, loaded with all the usuals. Rory stared at the food suspiciously, trying to figure out just how healthy that really was.

"So you don't like eating out?" Deacon asked. "At all, I mean. Even if you went to a high class place, you wouldn't eat there?"

"Probably not," Rory mumbled and bit into his sandwich. "I don't trust them with my food. If I don't know the person making it, or can't see them make it... not happening." 

"Okay, so what about places where they make the food in front of you?" Deacon asked. 

"Maybe. The quality of the ingredients is still questionable..." Rory shrugged. 

Deacon chuckled and took a sip on his soda. Rory's eyes fixed on his mouth for a moment before looking away. 

"What are you doing Friday after school?" Deacon asked. 

"Why?" Rory narrowed his eyes, not quite trusting Deacon either. 

"Just wondering," Deacon smiled too honestly. 

"...Nothing," Rory grudgingly answered. Rory started to pick at his food, but Deacon didn't say anything. 

Once they had finished eating, Deacon took them back to school. He headed back for his class just as Rory's lunch ended. He knew Deacon was up to something. Maybe some sort of payback for that castration joke?

Rory was trying to think of possible scenarios the rest of the afternoon. After school, he met up with Deacon and Kristen. They were in the process of making out, which was a little off-setting. Rory stood off to the side and waited, until if finally seemed to dawn on them that there was a third-wheel. 

"Right," Deacon cleared his throat. "We should go. Traffic should have cleared some by now."

Deacon and Kristen led the way out of the school, with Rory following. Most of the crowd had cleared, and the parking lot had emptied for the most part. They got out of there quicker than usual, and headed back to the house. 

Deacon and Kristen set up a movie in the living room. "You want to watch it with us?" Deacon offered, earning himself a nasty look from Kristen. 

"No, thanks," Rory said as he grabbed a snack and headed up stairs. 

He laid out on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Soon enough he drifted off to sleep, and he next woke up to their mother arriving home. He swung out of the bed and crept down the stairs, catching his mother in the kitchen. 

"Deacon, are you staying for dinner?" She asked, setting aside her coat and keys. 

"If you don't mind," Deacon called from the couch, with his arm thrown around Kristen's shoulders. She looked small against his body, and she was taller than Rory. 

Rory glared at the scene for a moment before offering to help his mother in the kitchen. Dinner was ready in an hour, and they filled up the kitchen table. Usually they just ate dinner on the couch, but their mother insisted that with guests, they ate at the table. 

Kristen went on about her day and her classes. She talked about her plans for the weekend, and that she and Deacon had been invited to a party on Friday.

"What time?" Their mother immediately asked. Kristen had yet to actually go to a high school party. 

"It starts at ten, on Friday. I can come home around midnight... or later," she gave those puppy dog eyes. "Please, you know I won't get in trouble."

She continued to beg, and Rory flashed a look at Deacon. Did this party have anything to do with why he had asked about Rory's plans? Rory was so not going to a party. 

Finally their mother agreed to let Kristen go. Kristen bounced in her seat and pecked a quick kiss on Deacon's cheek in celebration. 

"After school on Friday, Rory and I are going to the pool," Deacon added. 

Rory paused mid-bite. "Since when?"

But it was too late. The damage had been done. 

"Oh that would be such a good idea," his mother commented. "Rory hardly gets out. He could do for some exercise."

"I don't have a suit," Rory snarled. 

"Oh yes you do. We went to the lake a couple times over the summer, remember? You have some trunks from that," she said.

Right. And the lake water had been a good idea. Rory refused to even go near the sand or the water. How the hell was he supposed to go in a pool?

"Mom," Rory pleaded. 

"You should go," she stated again. "You hardly go out." 

And that was that. Rory sulked over his food, and Deacon was smiling the whole dinner. Rory still had two days to get out of it, though. His swim trunks could magically disappear, once he found out where they were to begin with. 

Or he could make plans with Justin and Aaron. That got him out of the house, too. It just didn't have to be swimming with Deacon. 

After dinner, Deacon and Kristen helped clean up in the kitchen. Rory retreated to his room to sulk, setting up for a night in front of his computer. He would find some way out of Friday.

Only, computer games were so very distracting. 

Before Rory even realized it, it was late and Deacon had already left. 

"Go to bed," his mother admonished from the door. "It's almost ten." She walked off, speaking lowly. "I knew I shouldn't have given him a computer in the bedroom..."

Rory hopped right off at that, not wanting to lose his computer. She hated it when he was on right before bed, and she didn't trust him not to stay up all night. He got ready for bed and snuggled under the covers, though he wasn't quite tired.

That nap earlier had ruined most of his chances of falling asleep at a normal time. He did manage to fall asleep, though it didn't last long.

In his mind, there was Deacon, wearing only a Speedo and wanting to get in the pool. He had an amazing body. And... that bulge in his swimwear was very emphasized. Rory's throat felt dry as he tried to swallow. 

"Did you have fun swimming?" Deacon asked. Oh. Okay. So they'd already gone swimming. Rory's voice seemed not to work in this dream, so he only nodded. "That's good," Deacon smiled and one of his hands wrapped loosely around Rory's wrist, drawing him closer. 

And soon enough there were hands touching him. Deacon's hands. Touching Rory's chest and nipples, slipping lower. 

Rory tried to speak, or to protest. Deacon had a girlfriend after all. But once Deacon touched him there, all of Rory's protests stopped. He'd never even touched himself like that before. It felt good. Really good. 

Rory found himself clinging to Deacon's toned body, trying to get more contact. Deacon let one hand roam, feeling up Rory's body, while the other hand worked Rory down there. His legs felt weak with pleasure. 

Deacon felt so good to be touching. And what he was doing... Rory wanted more. He pushed his hips into Deacon's palm, and the pressure increased. 

Rory bit his lip, trying to hold back a noise. And--

Rory's eyes snapped open to stare at the black ceiling of his room. This most certainly was not any pool house. It took him a moment to gather himself. The heavy breathing, how heavy his body felt, and... sated. Another moment of thought and he registered that something didn't feel right in his pants. 

He threw back the covers and peeled the waistband of his underwear and pants from his stomach. His sensitive skin jolted at the rush of cold, and the cooling seed around it. 

Rory felt himself blush and let his waistband snap back into place. The fabric was wet, sticky, and uncomfortable. He waddled out of bead and across the hall to the bathroom. He stripped and stood naked in the bathroom for a while, still trying to figure out what had just happened. 

Deacon. Rory shivered and started to wipe himself down with a wet washcloth. He still felt... weird. He didn't know what it was, but he just felt great. Relaxed or something. 

Maybe this pool trip was one of those courting tricks, like the ancient Greeks had. The older man giving the younger man something for sex. No. Hell. Deacon had a girlfriend. Rory's sister. Kristen. 

Rory shivered again, this time from the cold. He took his soiled clothes back into his room and dumped them in the laundry. He put on a fresh change of underwear and crawled into bed.

Despite his uncertainty, he was able to fall asleep easily. 


Rory spent Thursday at school trying to sort out his head. Every time he saw Deacon in the halls, he glared. Deacon of course noticed and only seemed confused about it. 

Last night had been Deacon's fault anyway. If he hadn't mentioned swimming, Rory would have never been able to base that dream around swimming. So that made it Deacon's fault.

Still, he felt awkward looking at Deacon. Something in his body worked with that dream and he got sensitive. 

It was Deacon's fault. 

He probably secreted some sort of pheromone that seduced people. Part of his carnivore mating ritual. Yeah, that was it. 

For lunch, Rory was on edge. He was waiting for Deacon to show up again, to try and... be social. He never showed up though, and Rory was thankful for that. There was still after school, though. He could take the bus home instead. What bus did he ride again?

That plan immediately failed, as Deacon was outside Rory's class after school. Not Kristen's. He was waiting for Rory. 

Rory tried to sneak away with the bulk of his class, but that required too much touching to stay close. He faded back towards the throng of people, and Deacon caught him. 

"You okay?" Deacon asked. "You've seemed pissy all day." 

"Fine," Rory snapped. "Where's Kristen?"

"We can go to her class," Deacon said and started towards that direction. 

Rory followed, wishing he had some sort of power to kill Deacon with his mind. Or something like that. Destroy that pheromone gland. 

Deacon and Kristen greeted each other with another round of making out. Rory pretended to be interested in the contents of a vending machine for ten minutes while they went along their business. 

Finally the two finished trying to make a baby with their mouth and headed for the parking lot. Rory followed, trying to pick who to glare daggers at. Kristen or Deacon? Kristen was becoming less and less considerate about being modest in public. And Deacon was participating. And Deacon did strange things to Rory. 

They drove home, and Rory holed up in his room. Deacon followed again, sticking his head in the door. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. 

Rory didn't answer. 

"Are you pissed about your mom making you go swimming with me tomorrow?" Deacon continued. "If you really don't want to, I can come up with an excuse."

Rory looked up at that, and... pheromones. He couldn't quite talk properly, or get his mind to function. "Fine," he croaked out awkwardly. 

"Fine what?" Deacon asked. 

"Fine I'll..." Rory couldn't help it. "Go." Maybe he could stab Deacon in the neck and destroy that pheromone gland. Say he slipped in the pool. No, a stabbing being covered up with a fall? He'd have to think of something else. 

Deacon smiled and bounced away. 

Rory moved over to his computer and began researching the effects of pheromones.

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