Chapter 22

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(18+ chapter warning)

“You two are going to bed soon right?” Rory’s mom questioned suspiciously, glaring both Deacon and Rory down as they watched TV in the living room.

“Mom, we’re on winter break now,” Rory complained, turning around on the couch. “And it’s only like ten. Can’t we stay up?”

“We have things to do tomorrow,” she reminded him.

“Like what?” Rory didn’t understand why holidays were such a big deal.

“We have to get the tree and decorate it, wrap presents, do some more shopping for some of us…” she sighed. “I guess you guys can stay up till midnight, but bed after that, got it?”

They both agreed and went back to watching TV while she went to bed. Kristen had disappeared upstairs a while before, and Rory wasn’t sure if she was just in her room or if she was asleep.

Despite all of Rory’s protests on wanting to stay up later, he managed to drift off sometime later, curling up against Deacon on the couch. Deacon was the one to wake him up and walk Rory upstairs. “Get some sleep,” Deacon said, ushering Rory towards his bed.

Rory flushed slightly, thinking of one of the times Deacon had come into his room. He’d been so insistent then. Rory didn’t understand what was so important about himself for someone to try that hard. So really, what would happen when Deacon left. “What about college?” Rory blurted worriedly, finally managing to get it out in his weary state.

“What?” Deacon was confused by the sudden question but seemed to realize what Rory meant. “Oh, you mean like between us?”

Rory nodded stiffly. “You don’t have a car,” he stated the obvious. “and I mean… college and high school are completely different. Different environments. You could completely change once you’re actually independent like that, and what you like in a person could change, and—“

“Rory,” Deacon cut him off, putting his hands on either side of Rory’s neck. “That’s not what you think about.”

“What do you mean?” Rory figured thinking about the future on something like that was a good thing. That meant he wanted to stay with Deacon for a while, couldn’t he see that?

“Me going to college is going to change things. It’ll mean seeing less of each other for a while, but then when we do get a chance, it’ll be all that much better. It’ll mean a lot more, and there will always be that excitement leading up to it and counting down the days until it happens.”

“But won’t there be parties and things?” Rory was sure that was a college thing. Wild parties with alcohol, and who knew what that would do to Deacon.

“Parties aren’t going to be my priority in college,” Deacon explained. “Maybe I’ll go to some for fun, but I would never let that kind of atmosphere get between me and anything important.” He paused stiffly. “I don’t really like drinking anyways. It makes me think I’ll turn out like my dad or something.”

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