Chapter 110

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The trucks returned and I was uneasy. There were strangers among the people getting off of the trucks. I stuck close to Diane since I wasn't sure what to make of this new group. I helped unload and gossip swiftly brought us up to date on the newcomers.

This wasn't the first group of people to return with Roland. Several dozen had already come over various trips to join. Most wanted whatever made them immune to zombie bites. Roland still held to his one months rule and that was a good thing. Quite a few had found their own niche and no longer wanted the Heartfire virus.

I grinned as I watched a few adults use some slides to go from the main deck to the ground. The larger slides had been put in just to allow anyone a quick descent without needing to use the ladder. A dozen people were herding more sheep into the pen. The weavers would be happy for them. The weaving group also had some new looms and were making some beautiful trade goods.

It didn't take long to unload everything. How they planned on getting that second water tank on top of the cliff was a problem for another day. The water tanks were filled by rain or by pumping water from the source of the tiny creek into the tanks.

The fact that we had running water was a huge improvement. There were a couple of bathrooms on each ledge that were shared by people, and the water from above fed the toilets and showers. The remains went through plumbing out to a septic field under the grazing fields that were flourishing from their supply of fertilizer.

This place was spectacular at night with the solar lights decorating the path. Numerous pairs of glowing blue eyes also added to the mysterious ambience once the sun set. The eyes of those first fired were finally faintly glowing, enough so that they could even see in the dark. They had even started running through the forest at dusk.

The first few times we had all travelled together, but it was pretty cumbersome for a group of dozens to run a long a deer trail. They eventually split into smaller groups as they overcame their nervousness and got bolder. The first few times I had glimpsed a pair of glowing eyes it startled me, but now I was getting used to it.

Roland wandered over to where Diane was and looked at the cliffs, "This went much faster than I had possibly imagined. Usually plans take at least a third longer than planned. I suspect it has a lot do with bored people who have Heartfire and can't sit still though."

Diane grinned wolfishly at his jibe. Her Heartfire still made her the most restless. The others were slowly getting more restless, but it would still take them months to get the point Diane was at.

Diane spoke quietly to Roland, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you keep leaving me here instead of going out with you on the trading runs? I know I am no use when it comes to bartering, but if someone tried to ambush the caravan, I could be of assistance. To be honest, I am happier here working as opposed to sitting on a trailer most of the day, but I am curious as to your reasoning considering you seem to be ensuring that everyone gets a turn to accompany you on the various trips you have been making."

Roland stilled for a moment before sighing, "The only way I can possibly leave this place is if I know Amber is safe. I know that nothing short of an army would be able to get past you, and even then you would buy the others time to climb that ladder and escape into the forest behind the cliff."

Oh. I hadn't realized that. It hadn't even occurred to me honestly. Considering how much they wanted me in a stationary home instead of on the road, I would have been more surprised if he had wanted me along. Where I went, so did Diane. None of them would dream of separating us.

Diane nodded thoughtfully, "I have no problem with that, but I do want to accompany you to Wainwright Fort."

He chuckled, "I know that. That is why I always left Todd and Julian behind, and also asked you to give them extra lessons in fighting. When you are with us, they will remain to act as guards."

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