Chapter 121

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I held the pole while Sandy put the peg into place. The big box tent on top of this trailer was now up and shielded us from a nasty cutting wind that found every gap or joint in our clothing. My Heartfire kept the chill at bay, but I noticed that the cold bothered the others more. Diane barely even noticed the cold, so it must have something to do with how long someone had Heartfire.

We would stay at this settlement tonight and head out in the morning to more places. This was the third place we stopped at, although most just wanted small regular items like rope or knives. We went over to the tent with a specially built raised firepit that looked like a long rectangle. It allowed us to have a fire on top of the trailer inside of the shelter.

Most of the others were here, although some had gone out for an early run. There were only 21 of us on this trip, which was fine with our Heartfire endurance and other abilities. Ace and Diane were already in here.

I took a seat by Diane and listened to the talk of trade and places that might be the most profitable with what we were currently carrying. Ace inquired, "Which towns are we heading to tomorrow?"

Dave replied, "We are heading about as far west as we can go without a snow blade. Two towns next to one another, one is Whispering Hills and the other is Tango Place."

Diane turned her head in sudden interest, "Uh, Dave. Was that Tango Place or Toga Place?" I perked up as well, could it be?

Dave tilted his head, "Now that you mention it, it might be Toga Place. Wait, you stayed there for a while, didn't you?"

Diane burst out laughing and grinned down at me, "I wonder if they found you yet?"

I start giggling uncontrollably. I somehow doubted that they had found me, and Diane would be the best one to know since I had been with her. Others were watching us in confusion, uncertain as to what we had found so funny.

Diane grinned at Dave, "Don't be surprised if they don't let me inside the walls, they thought I might have been infected when I killed a Swift that was breaking through a door. Several will probably be happy to see me though."

Dave looked at Diane suspiciously, "What exactly did you mean by you wondered if they found Laura yet?"

I was still giggling, it was just too funny, "They thought I was inside the walls when they refused to let Diane back in. They didn't know I was following her while hiding in the forest. We always wondered how long they searched for me."

Dave shook his head in playful exasperation, "You two are going to be the death of me one day. Is there any place in this province that you didn't stop at?"

Diane tilted her head in consideration, "Well, we never really went any further south than Calgary..."

Dave sighed, "Trading runs were less complicated before you became so popular."

Diane snickered, "Popular. Right. Half of those people couldn't get me outside of the fence fast enough."

Dave pretended to consider the matter, "Perhaps notorious would be a better term..."

Diane tossed a twig from the firewood pile at him and he dodged it. A thought suddenly struck Diane and you could see it in her face, "Hey Dave, your goal is just to fill the trailers up right?"

Dave gave her a long look, trying to figure out what idea was rolling through her head this time, "Yes. With useful things. Why?"

Diane peered down the line of people sitting at the fire, "Hey Joel, do you still have those speakers?"

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