.chapter thirteen.

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"I hated it here when I first came," she admitted. Rhaella placed her head against his chest and drew shapes in the palm of his hand. "Found it too cold, dull... not at all alive like King's Landing."

He sat there, back pressed against the tree while Ghost laid at his feet, eyes closed but his ears still perked. They had shared a kiss, many kisses really. For so long he had denied himself the truth, perhaps for Robb's sake. He loved his brother and he knew better. A bastard he had been born, his father a nobleman and his mother some whore somewhere if anywhere at all. He knew he stood little chance with her. Perhaps if she had not been a ward of the Lannisters things could have been different.

"What do you think of it now?" He asked, looking down at the top of her raven black hair.

"I think it to be breathtaking. It's funny really," she sat up, pushing aside Jon's arm. "I had wanted nothing more than to return to King's Landing and now that I am to leave, I don't want to go."

"What about Robb? Aren't you two to be wed?"

She sat back on her heels and laughed softly at Jon Snow, "The queen views me as her daughter. She would burn half of Westeros before she left Winterfell without me. I didn't mind it once but now that I am here and I have you, I do."

He placed his hand on her cheek, brushing away a few strands of hair. "You're forgetting something," he said, his dark eyes growing sad. "I'm to take the black."

"Oh," her face fell. Dark brows furrowed together, her eyes falling on the ground before she turned and laid back against Jon. When she spoke again, her voice was light, almost as if she was trying to keep it normal while she cried. "I'd forgotten."

Together they returned to Winterfell, Ghost trotting ahead. She had just convinced Jon to accept her love and they had spent a beautiful moment together in the woods. She had forgotten that she was to lose both wolf and man she loved so dearly.

"When are you to depart?" She stopped him just outside the gate.

"They same day as you," he replied.

She nodded her head and looked away, "Will I see you again before that?"

"Yes," his reply had been close. She barely had time to lift her head before she was pulled into a warm and loving embrace, one that was filled with emotion, his emotions. She hugged him back, nearly squeezing him.

They had no choice but to pull apart. Robb had been waiting for their return and now he was approaching.

Pulling apart, Jon turned toward his half brother, half expecting him to shout and unsheath his sword. Jon wouldn't fight if that's what Robb wanted. He knew he deserved to have a sword pierce through him. It should have been him standing beside Rhaella and comforting her, not Jon.

"Jon," Robb acknowledged him, his blue eyes remaining on Rhaella, "My lady."

Hand held out for her. She hesitated for a moment, sharing a brief glance with Jon before she placed her hand in Robb's.

She had expected him to pull her with him but instead, he pressed his lips to her knuckles and then released her hand.

"Uncle Benjen is looking for you," he said to Jon, not taking his eyes off Rhaella. "Something about leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Rhaella felt her heartbeat quicken.

"Yes," Robb placed his hands behind his back. "It seems you're to be leaving too." At this she noticed his brows furrowed, he looked confused. "Why? Aren't we to be married? I'd think it beneficial for you to stay. My mother can teach you how to be the Lady of Winterfell when the time comes. How are you to learn all the way in King's Landing?"

Among Lions and Wolves • |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now