Chapter 1: Our average day

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"I'm home" Choromatsu announced as he walked through the door to the living room.  As he placed his bag on the ground, he felt as if something was someone was missing. He took a quick glance around the room. 1,2,3,4,5,6....wait? Where's the 7th?

"Osomatsu-niisan? Did you pick up Ayaka-chan from school yet?" He asked has looked down at his eldest brother who was on the floor reading a comic book. Osomatsu looked up at Choro and then at the clock "N-no, not yet" he said as he let out a guilty laugh

"WHAT?!" All the brothers yelled as Oso got up and scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile "I'm sorry, I lost track of time I guess..." He muttered the last bit of his sentence.

"Lost track of time?! It's almost 5 o clock and she's probably still at the school waiting for you!" Choro yelled.

"Oh yeah! What do the others do for her!?" Osomatsu asked. That is when Choromatsu snapped.

"What do we do?!" He yelled back at his brother who shrank in fear.

"I get her up and ready in the morning.
Karamatsu nii-san walks her to school.
Ichi helps her with her homework.
Jyushi keeps her entertained and Totty gets her ready for bed!" Choro explained angrily.
"You had one job Nii-san! One job!"

Osomatsu looked defeated and closed his book. "I'm sorry...I messed up." He apologized as Choromatsu sighed.

"Don't apologize to us. Go get Ayaka-chan and apologize to her" Totty said as he push Osomatsu to the door.

"Go get her!" Jyushimatsu said "I want my little sister!"

"Ok, ok! I'm going!" Osomatsu yelled back as he scrambled to put on his shoes and rush out the door.


A  small girl, not over the age of  8 yet, stood at the front of her school. Her soft sobs filled the mostly empty room. It was almost sun down and there's still no sign her brother is coming to get her.

"He forgot about me...He must hate me now" she sniffed.

"Hey,  Ayaka-chan. What's wrong?" Ayaka looked up at one of the staff with her brown eyes full of tears. As her vision cleared she recognized the staff member as one of the assistants in her classroom.

"HOSHI-SAAAN!" She wailed as she ran into Hoshi's legs, gripping them tightly, making her stumble back. "M-My Nii-san f-forgot me here!" Ayaka sobbed.

Hoshi gave a soft smile and rubbed her head to comfort the small child. "There, there. It's ok, I'm sure he will be here soon." Ayaka sniffled and nodded her head.

"Would you like me stay here with you until then?" Hoshi asked as Ayaka let go of her legs and nodded her head again.

As time passed Ayaka and Hoshi learnt a lot about each other and how life was going for them. Just as Ayaka was finishing telling about her brothers, fast footsteps were hear along with the sound of heavy breathing. Both girls looked around the corner and saw a red hooded figure rush around to the school.

"It's Osomatsu-niisan!" Ayaka cheered as she ran up to greet her brother in the middle.  "Osomatsu-niisan! Osomatsu-niisan!" She smiled as her older brother wrapped her in a hug

"I'm so sorry Ayaka-chan" He said breathlessly "Please forgive me?" He asked.  Ayaka nodded but lightly hit him in the leg. "Don't forget me next time!" She said as she put her hands on her hips.

Hoshi smiled and walked up to the two with Ayaka's bag in hand. "See? I told you your brother would come get you~" she said with a smile and looked towards Osomatsu.

"My name is Hoshi Tohru, Its nice to meet you" She said with a short bow.  Osomatsu let go of Ayaka and faced Hoshi.

"Ye-yeah, Its nice to meet you too.." Osomatsu said a soft blush creeping up on to his cheeks as he looked out at her chest.

"Ummm...Osomatsu-San?" Hoshi asked embarrassed, Oso only replied with a hum "Could you please not look at my chest?" She asked as her face became red.

"O-oh yeah, sorry! You're just so..." he trailed off and looked back at her chest and talking his hand to make a grabbing motion with a small string of drool.

"O-osomatsu! Please!" Hoshi screeched with her face flushed bright red as she took her arms to cover her body.  Ayaka punched Osomatsu's leg again and snapped him out of his trans.

"O-oh right! Come on Ayaka-chan, let's go home" he said as Ayaka grabbed her bag from Hoshi with a small thanks and grabbed her Onii-chan's hand "Okie dokie Onii-can!"

"Bye bye Hoshi-san!" Ayaka waved over her shoulder "See ya tomorrow!"


Yaaaay! That was my first chapter! Please tell me if I could do anything better in this story!

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