Chapter 5: BASEBALL!!

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"Please forgive me, my brothers but it looks like our lovely little sister has found the sweets I give Jyushimatsu" Karamatsu apologized as Ayaka was running around, full of energy. The other brother groaned as they heard another crash come from the hallway. Jyushimatsu's eyes up as stars as he watch his sister run around with almost as much energy as him.

"I know what to do! I know what to do!" He cheered as he waved his sleeves up and down.

"What is it Jyushimatsu nii-san?" Totty asked as he looked up from his phone. "I could take Ayaka-chan to play baseball!!" He said "That way we can both spend time together and I can tire her out!"

"That is a good idea" Choromatsu mumbled as he went into think mode. "Ok, you can take her out but just make sure she's safe" He said pointing a finger at Jyushimatsu. Osomatsu tried to cover up his laugh

"Osomatsu nii-san, what's so funny?" Choromatsu asked as he looked over at his oldest brother.

"Nothing, I just didn't know you were Ayaka-chan's mother" he said in between giggles. Choromatsu looked in surprise.

"E-Eh? Wh-what is that suppose to mean?!" He asked with a sight blush on his face as the others chuckled. Jyushi cheered as he announced he was going to get the two ready.

------TIME SKIP-----

"Nii-san!! I can't carry it!" Ayaka whined as she dragged Jyushi's bat across the baseball field. Tears quickly forming in her eyes, alarming Jyushi. He dropped his bag and rushed to her side.

"No no! Don't cry! Baseball's suppose to be fun!" He said in a panic as his little sister continued to cry. He thought for a moment before getting an idea.

"Here, wait here!" He smiled as he went to get a water bottle out of his bag. Ayaka stopped her crying and watched her brother take a big gulp of his water. Jysushi then turned around having water sprit from his ears, nose and the top of his head while doing a funny pose. Ayaka sniffed then giggled and then broke out into full on laughter.

"Hahahaha! Nii-san, that's so funny!" She laughed as she wiped away the tears from laughing to hard. Jyushi laughed along with his sister and then picked up the bat.

"I'll carry it from here! Ok?" Jysushi patted her head as they walked up to home plate. After a while of warm up Jyushi gave the ball to Ayaka.

"Ok! I'll throw it from there!" He instructed as he pointed to the pitcher's mount.
"And you, hit it as hard as you can with this bat!" He said as he gently placed a small bat in the arms of his sister. Ayaka nodded and walk with a wobble to home plate.

"Ready?" "Ready, Nii-san!"

On those words Jyushi threw the ball towards the small girl. She looked at the ball with determination, but alas she swung to late and missed the ball. With a defeated sigh, she retrieved the ball and handed back to the yellow Matsuno.

"It's ok Ayaka! Not everyone hits the ball on the first try!" Jyushimatsu smiled as he patted the small girl's head

"Even you, Nii-san?"
"Even me!"

Second try.  Ayaka got back into position, and nodded at the 5th bother to throw the ball. She almost hit it but she swung to early and missed again.

Ok, ok. Third times a charm. Ayaka jogged but to home plate and nodded again. With great effort and connection she finally hit the ball! It took a moment to process what had happened, but once they processed it, the siblings cheered.

"Nii-san! Nii-san! I hit it!" Ayaka cheered as she jump up and down.

"I saw! I saw!" Jyushi cheered along.  After a while of playing they decided it would be time for them to head home.

"Hey, Jyushimatsu nii-san?"

"Yeah, Ayaka-chan?"

"Will you teach me that water trick time?"


That took longer than expected ;-;

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