Chapter 3: Bedtime

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The Matsuno brothers all sat in front of the living room tv while Ayaka sat in Karamatsu's lap struggling to stay awake. The other brothers laughed softly as they watched their little sister's eyes close and shoot back open with a gasp.  Totty thought enough was enough and leaned over to Karamatsu and Ayaka.

"Ayaka-chan, do you wanna take a bath before you go to sleep?" He asked as he bent down to face his sister.  Ayaka only nodded and stretched her arms towards Todomatsu, signaling him to pick her up. 

Totty let out a laugh and picked her up, holding her tightly and rested her head on his shoulder.  The other brothers looked in awe seeing how sweet they looked together.

Todomatsu placed his half asleep sister on the closed toilet as he rolled up his sleeves and ran the water at a warm temperature, just right for his little sister.  As Totty looked back he saws his sister almost a sleep. He laughed and walked over to her.

"Come on Ayaka-chan, the bath is ready" he said shaking her small shoulder gently. The small girl opened her eyes again and with a sleepily looked she nodded again and began to strip out of her dirty clothes and being the respectful brother Totty turned around to her give her privacy until she gave to ok to turn around.

"You can *yawn* turn around now nii-san" Ayaka said. Todomatsu turned around and began to wash whatever mud she still had in her hair.

"Will Osomatsu nii-san forget me again tomorrow?" She asked as Totty rinsed the soap out of her hair.

He thought for a moment and shook his head. "Not if I have anything to say about it" He said playfully, making the small girl smile.

"Well, we're the youngest, we have to stick together" ... "Hey! Don't fall asleep in the bathtub!"

--after the bath--

"Ow! Nii-san that hurt!" Ayaka complained as Totty was brushing her hair "I'm sorry Ayaka-chan but I need make sure there are no more knots in you hair" He stated as he continued to brush her long brown hair.

"There! Done! See? It wasn't that bad?" Totty said as he put the brush down to his side "It still hurt..." Ayaka pouted as she crossed her arms.

Choromatsu slides open the door and picked up Ayaka.

"Come on, I think it's time for bed" He said as he petted her head while the other brothers came walking in and pulled out the futon, blanket and pillows.

Ayaka yawned while Choromatsu tucked her in. "Night nii-san"
"G'night Ayaka"

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