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My first story I actually trust enough to post.
Hope you like it
Forgive me if there are errors.

New note: I didn't change the chapter, but I just want to say that somehow chapter four doesn't show after chapter three. Please check in the chapters list to read four and then continue to read five and the rest. I am so sorry, somehow ...

I remember like it was yesterday even though it has been almost two years ago.

The pain, no, the agony. The sounds of bones breaking into a million pieces. The pain of bones pushing against my flesh wanting to rib my skin apart from the inside. The way he looked at me as he watched me turn into a monster. He just stood there, leaning against a tree, not a word said, not a movement made. He just stood there without any emotions. He didn't help me. He didn't talk me through it. He wanted me to be tough. He wanted me to be a boy. He wanted me to be like him. Mean, evil, without emotion. And sometimes I have the feeling I am like him. Well... I am his daughter aren't I?

I sit in a corner of his office listening to what the others are saying. Well... I have to listen, but I am not really listening. I know my father knows that I am not listening, but I don't care anymore. I used to care. I used to look up to him, but that all changed that night.

I watch the humans and just wish I have what they had. A family who loved them, cared about them. Not having to turn into a monster every bloody time. I look at the girls in my school and I just wish I was like them... Well, like most of them... Happy. Beautiful and flawless. Doing what they want, when they wanted. I don't have that. He controls my life, my every action.

'Angel, what do you think?,' my father asks knowing that I didn't listen to anything he said. I didn't listen to anything anybody said and that is exactly why he is asking me this question.

'See men, my daughter is he perfect example of a girl who is worth nothing!,' he says with anger in his voice. Everyone looks from him to me as I shiver in fear knowing what he will do to me. My father always has his way, always, and no one dares to stop him.

He walks over to me with heavy footsteps and it feels like the wooden ground will just collapse and bring us all crashing down into the living room. The living room that never really felt like home. Not since he killed the one person that kept me going.

My father lifted me up by my hair and pulling me to stand up from the chair I was sitting on only to push me to the ground.

'You are as worthless as your mother!,' he says disgust as he spits on me. Everyone in the room looks at me worried, but I don't care. I don't need there pitty. I don't need anyone to care about me. More because they all shit their pants because of him.

Get up and hit him back, Angel!

I tell my wolf to shut up before she makes me do something stupid.

My father looks me in the eyes again and smiles.

'I have the perfect plan for you, my dear,' he says with a grin.

I push myself up to sit and let my long dark hair fall before my face like a mask. I hate him! I always thought I was incapable of hating someone, but I hate him. I hate him more than anything in this world.

'Now, I will meet you guys tonight. Don't worry I have enough men to go with you,' my father assures the men and walks them out of the office. I sit still on the ground as I hear the front door open and close downstairs. It doesn't take very long before I hear those heavy familiar footsteps coming up the stairs and closer to the room.

'You disgust me! You will never make me proud!,' he tells me.

Kill him!

I push away the tears and tell my wolf that we aren't strong enough. And even if I was strong enough I will never be able to go for the kill. Never! I am too weak for that. Even she is too weak for that and she knows that as well as I do.

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