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His scent fills the air as we get closer and I can't control myself any longer.

When we get closer I let the whip fall on the ground. I run up to Luke, jump on him and kiss the living shit out of him. He grabs my butt and kisses my neck, taking in my scent.

'Where were you?,' he asks looking into my eyes.

'Well... We had something to collect,' Alpha Jim says holding the whip in his hands.

'What is that? Where did you get it?,' Marcus asks now walking forward.

I wonder where Romy is.

'You should have seen what she did to all those wolves. They didn't stand a chance,' Jim says.

Luke and Marcus look at me.

'You killed them?,' Marcus asks.

'All of them,' I sigh thinking back to what I have done.

'Are you okay? How do you feel?'

'It felt... Perfect,' I say and they all look at me in shock. 'I guess that in some way I am still my father's daughter,' I say disappointed.

'No, that's just your wolf instinct,' Arthur tries.

'I don't have a wolf,' I remind him and everyone just looks at me.

Brandon and the rest stand a bit behind. Even Romy.

I take the whip out of Jim's hands and they look at me in shock.

'What is that?,' Marcus asks.

'This is the whip my father used on me... And the whip he used to kill my mother. I have chooses his death. I have chosen how I will end his life.'

'Where did you get it?,' Luke asks full of disbelief.

'We couldn't stop her,' Arthur says.

'You went back home?,' Luke and Marcus now ask confused and in total shock.

'Yes, I did.'

No one says anything else. We walk towards the packhouse and then I realize something. I turn back around to see Arthur just standing there.

'What about him?,' I ask Marcus since it is his territory.

'What about him? He is free to go, but next time I will kill him,' Marcus says with pure death in his voice and he walks towards the packhouse.

I look back and see Arthur look at me. Something in his eyes tells me that he is in pain, that he is sad.

I let go of Luke's hand and walk back to him. Luke waiting for me in the doorway of the front door while the rest walks in.

'I guess... I'll see you around,' I say uneasy. This just feels bad. He helped me and now I am just shoving him aside.

'Yeah,' he says weakly.

'Thank you for everything,' I say now looking him in the eyes.

'It's the least I can do since I just abandoned you. If it wasn't for him you would have probably been dead already,' he says motioning towards Luke.

'Yeah, I guess he is my blessing within my curse,' I say with a weak smile.

'I am so sorry about everything,' he says sighing deeply, 'I came back for you.'

I already know that, but the way he says it this time... It means something deeper.

'I left because you father threatened to kill you if I didn't. I guess he saw the love between us. He told me to leave and never come back, so I did. I did to save you. I tried my best to forget you. I even found my mate in the process, but then word got out that a mighty leader is searching for revenge. That he wants to kill his daughter Angel and such... I knew it was you. It just had to be you. So I left my mate behind coming to look for you. The moment I saw you holding his hand my world just spun around and broke in half. Being in that cell just made me realize what you must have been through when I was gone. I promised myself that if you would wake up, which I knew you would. I would help you in anyway possible. That is when I came up with the hole attack plan. And now that it all is over and I am free to go, I don't feel like leaving. I want to stay here with you, but I can't.'

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