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He kissed someone. The fucker actually had the audacity to make out with someone, in front of me no less!

I heard of pain when someone kissed someone other than their mate before, but I never thought I would feel it! It was like a sharp prick to my heart, straight into the center of my chest. I felt hollow, my nails scratching at my breastplate while I tried to not cry out.

School had just been let out, and I was making my way to my car when Jaxon kissed a random red head in front of his car. I rolled my eyes, but the pain began to irritate my chest. I took in a sharp breath and bent over in pain, clutching my eyes shut. I could barely hear anything over the sound of my blood rushing through my ears, my fingers scratching right at the center of my chest.

"Jaxon, stop!" I heard what sounded like Mona shout, her voice cutting through the pounding of my heart straight into my ear drum.

Just like it began, the pain faded away quickly. I shot up as quick as I could with tears streaming down my cheeks, his face shocked and open in horror. I grit my teeth, feeling the energy sure through me as I tried to reign in my anger, tried to control the undeniable power racing through my being.

But of course, I lost control.

Thunder cracked loud overhead, sending girls shrieking and crying for cover. Lighting shot down from the sky and hit Jaxon's car, toasting it up into flames. Wind whipped around me as people ran, my eyes trained on the fire no more than ten feet away from me.

A growl ripped through the air as something shot me off my feet, my eyes flashing just as I hit the cold pavement. I already knew who it was, Jaxon's father and the Alpha of this pack, and let me just say; his death wasn't pretty.

War raged around him as he stood in his wolf form, towering and as black as night. He had already lost his mate, and had handed down his pack to his son. The only thing he could do was buy them some time, buy us some time. He raged against the Rogues and Hunters standing before him, willing to kill himself, if he could protect his son and his sons mate from the same fate that his wife had met.

I shot up from the pavement so fast, scorching back till my own back hit the solid brick of the building behind me. Jaxon was seething at his father, his eyes black and his entire body shaking. He growled at the man before him, who merely stood calm and completely collected.

"You hit her!" He roared at him, his eyes flashing between yellow and utter darkness, the thunder still rolling above us.


"Calm down Riedon, you're scaring her." His eyes flashed to me before he stopped shaking, his eyes squeezing shut before flashing open again to reveal the grey that had shocked me to my core to begin with.

Who the fuck is Riedon?

"Bout time you joined us." I muttered under my breath, pushing my hands into my lap to hide the fact they were shaking. I couldn't bare to look at his father, the guilt was pooling and manifesting deep in my stomach until it began to boil over. My eyes flashed between the Alpha and Jaxon, who both, surprisingly, were looking at me concerned.

"You okay there, Ms. Lily?" I bit my lip as I pushed myself up, blowing out a breath I had been holding. I looked to Jaxon for a second before focusing all my attention on his father, his eyes studying me.

He had the same grey as Jaxon, as well as height and build. His hair was lighter than Jaxon's though, where as Jaxon must have gotten his facial structure from his mother as well. I rolled my lip between my teeth as I tried to honk of what to say, the clouds receding above us just the slightest.

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