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The entire day I could feel his eyes on me, my skin heating up under his gaze. I so badly wanted to just suffer through touching him, but I didn't want to see his heart stop; because I knew mine would stop right after.

I bit my lip as I made my way out doors towards my car, the powers within me practically humming on their own accord. I huffed out a breath, I don't think I can go to school after this until the full moon is over. My powers went out of control multiple times today; lifting this up and throwing them across the room, changing colors of various articles of clothing on strangers bodies, it was all too much.

I sighed as I watched Riley wave to Mona as he made his way to the sidewalk, looking down at his phone quickly. My eyes narrowed as deja vú hit me like a ton of bricks, watching as he began to step out into the road without even looking in both directions.

That's when it hit like a bucket of cold water, my feet racing as I pushed my way through the bodies around me. I made sure to not touch any skin as I made my way to him, my eyes widening when the members of the pack watched me with wide eyes and confused faces.

I hit the edge of the road when he was half way across, a car speeding around the corner sloppily. I pushed my body faster, slamming his body away from the dark car just as it would've hit his body. I twisted my body around him as we slammed onto the pavement, my breath knocking itself out of me while shouts and screams were heard from the school before us.

My eyes were wide as I stared up to the sky, my throat desperately trying to take in any form of air. Clouds poured into the sky above me, lightening flashed and lit up the sky. All I could see was visions passing through me, but I couldn't make out anything. 

It was all a blur as the same feeling came over me, my heart almost stopping. Coldness crept over my skin, the sound of screaming and shouts muffled through my ears. I saw Mona and Riley standing above me, watching as they pushed Jaxon back from touching me.

I could see how badly this was hurting him, or at least hurting his wolf. But now I had to do what I didn't want to do; I had to leave.

I pushed myself up as they were yelling at one another, whoever was in the car coming into their conversation and ended up almost getting ripped apart from Mona and Jaxon alike. Riley pulled them off the poor human, my eyes trained on them before something flashed in the corner of my vision.

I turned slightly, my eyes making their way trough the huge crowd we had attacked, before settling on the three figures at the end of the street. Speak of the them and they shall appear.

Three hooded figures stood, a single eye in the center figures hand. The other held a spinning wheel attached to a thread held by the other, a red thread that shimmered gold hung in their hands. I couldn't see their faces, but I could feel their powers and emotions radiating off of them.

They were furious.

I watched the sunlight explode over a shadow next to them, before a small chariot expanded over the sidewalk. I knew I was the only one that could see them by the way the humans and wolves around me kept on fighting, another side effect of The Fates being in the mortals presence.

Apollo stepped from his chariot and glanced over to the three next to him, his gold hair shining against his tan skin. I'll be honest, the sun God was one attractive fucker. Even with Jaxon no more than ten feet from me, being in the presence of the god before me sent my heart into overdrive.

But even as attractive as he was, he was still like a distant father to me.

I sighed and sent a pleading prayer to Selene, knowing full well she couldn't come to me until the sun was down. I watched Apollo begin his walk to me, his power drawing in those around him to flock to his body, even if they couldn't see him. The humans and wolves just looked to where his body was, looked through him, and grew flustered.

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