Chapter 2

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12 months later

Barnabas was asleep in his bed, when Hope jumped on top of him, waking her father up. He sat up quickly with his hands on his stomach where his daughters knees poked at.

"Hope watch the knees. Their poking into my stomach." Grumbled Barnabas, half with amusement.

Hope moved her knees, backing away from her father. She was then grabbed and tickled by Barnabas. She let out a bunch of adorable giggles.

Barnabas stopped tickling her and kissed Hope's cheek with a smile across his face.

"I love you daddy." Laughed Hope, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Barnabas stood up while Hope had her arms around his neck, making her stand up. He looked at his daughter, knowing that he hadn't yet taught the girl to walk on her own and moved a bit.

Hope took small steps towards her father. She let go of his neck and stepped off of the bed. She put one hand on the bed and began to walk towards the door to the room. Hope let go and walked right out the door.

"You did it! You walked on your own!" Yelled Barnabas with excitement.

When he ran out the door Hope was nowhere to be see. Oh no! What happens if she fell down the stairs? Barnabas went down to the stairway and saw no Hope crippled on the bottom of the stairs.

"Barnabas!" Yelled Willie.

Barnabas hurried into the drawing room and saw Willie holding Hope's hand with his foot tapping angrily on the floor.

Hope had cookie crumbs on her face. She let out a moan of pain as she held her stomach.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Wondered Barnabas with worry.

Barnabas lifted up his daughters nightgown and there on her belly was blood coming out of a small knife was in her stomach.

"Willie Call Julia!" He demanded.

Willie nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Hope collapsed in Barnabas's arms and slowly began to close her eyes.

"Daddy." Was all Hope could say before going into a comma.

Barnabas picked his daughter up bridal style and ran up the stairs to their room. He placed her gently on the bed,  trying his best not to hurt his daughter.
Julia entered the room and made her way over to the bed, to see the girl breathing heavily. She made her way over to Hope.  The doctor placed her hand on the child's forehead.

"There's no fever.  That's good." Announced Julia.

Barnabas nodded and held onto his daughter's small hand.  He lifted up Hope's dress,  revealing the knife wedged up in her stomach.

Julia let out a gasp and looked at Barnabas with wide eyes.

"Hold her down. If she wakes up she will give out quite a fight." Demanded Julia.

Barnabas did as he was told and held Hope's arms down securely, so she couldn't fight him off.

Julia placed a steady hand on the knife in Hope's stomach,  making the child wake up from the touch. She quickly pulled the knife out,  not hesitating once. Julia watched as the girl began to struggle in Barnabas's grip.

"It's okay baby. It's over. I promise now calm down." Whispered Barnabas, in a hush voice.

Hope calmed down and stopped moving. She ended up going back into a deep sleep that over took her.

Julia watched the moment with wide eyes in astonishment.

"I must suggest Barnabas that you keep Hope confined to her bed for a few months. Her wound won't heal as fast as your shoulder stab wound." Said Julia.

All Barnabas did was nod,  making Julia very angry. She stomped out of the room and net Willie in the hallway.

"That child will be the death of Barnabas. All we will do is just stand and watch." She growled to Willie.

Barnabas overheard and leaned his lips towards Hope's ear.

"Don't take that wrong. Julia doesn't have any children and never will. She's steral and very jealous of people with kids." He whispered to his sleeping child.

Hope's chest rose and fell as she slept,  showing that she was still alive and breathing normally.

Mist came into the room,  making Barnabas jump up in fright. A woman moved into the room with her orange and white dress flowing behind her.

"Angelique! Oh Angelique I wish you we're alive and with me,  but you will never be there beside me to raise our child." Cried Barnabas.

He ran to Angelique and wrapped his arms around her to reveal that she had warmth of living skin. He couldn't help,  but lean in and give her a passionate kiss. Barnabas picked her up bridal style and took her into another room,  slowly closing the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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