Love is in the Air

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~1 November 1840~

On the day of my wedding, I'm incredibly nervous.

    "Lil, it's okay." Ella soothes, fixing my hair in an intricate knot. We're in our bedroom, and she's helping me prepare for the ceremony. "There's no reason to be nervous."

    "Not be nervous? You've met the man, haven't you?" He's intimidating. He's powerful. And in just a couple hours, according to the law, I'm going to belong to him. And according to this chauvinist law, he can do as he pleases with me and there technically won't be anything I can do about it. Which I will fight against until my dying breath, of course. But...I'm terrified. And also just a teeny, tiny bit excited. I mean...he can do whatever he pleases with me.

My entire mind is at war with itself. My inner feminist is screaming to not to be terrified of some stupid man. The irrational part of me thinks running away would be a sensible option. My logical part is forcing my feet to remain planted here, because of the baby issue.

And...the romantic  part of me, the part of me who secretly loves watching Ella's secret backyard rendesvouz, is so excited she just might burst.

I have no idea how to feel. I think I just might throw up instead.

    Ella laughs and smooths my dress.

    "I have. He's...quite an interesting fellow...But Lil," She looks into my eyes. "I've also seen the way he looks at you. There's nothing to fear."

    The way mean with loathing and contempt? Yes, that's nothing to fear, dear sister. Why on earth would that make me nervous?

    "He really loves you." Ella's  dafter than I thought if she believes that. I try to smile and be happy, like a good little bride, but that sentence keeps replaying in my mind.

    He really loves you.

    He, as in Mr Rikkard Ambrose? Mr I-don't-do-emotions Ambrose. As if he would ever feel something more than "adequate" towards me! The thought is preposterous.

    I hardly notice myself being bundled into the carriage and taken to the church. Only once I'm helped out of the carriage and up the steps do I notice where we are. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

    "Ella," I whisper. "Ella!"


    "Can you do me a favor?"

    "Anything for my favorite bride." She winks. We step into the back foyer of the church I'm about to get married in.

    "Yes, whatever. Please, peek inside the chapel and make sure he's there."

    She gives me a confused look.

    "Make sure he's there? Where do you think he'd be? Today is his wedding. What other place could be as important as right here with you?"

    For Mr Ambrose, I could think of about a thousand. Pretty much any place besides here at the chapel.

    "Please, Ella. I won't be able to calm down until I know."

    "Lillian, come here." My aunt screeches, swooping over like a crazed mama bird attacking a predator.

    "Please." I'm whisked away, leaving Ella as confused as ever. I really hope she does what I asked.

    Ten minutes later, she appears before me, puzzled expression on her face.

    "He's here, Lilly. You have nothing to worry about."   

    "Oh thank god." I let go of the breath I realized I was holding since the moment Ella stepped into the room.

    "But, he's also wearing the same old coat and trousers he's worn since the day I met him. Lilly, why isn't he wearing something newer or fancier?"

    I grin and shake my head.

    "That tailcoat is only ten years old and still in mint condition, Ella." I say fondly. She looks even more confused than before, but I can't stop smiling.

    "Okay, everyone places. It's time to walk." My aunt announces cheerfully.

    I feel butterflies in my stomach, but I still can't remove this ridiculous grin from my face. He's here. He's actually here.

    When it's my turn to step through the doors, the choir begins singing and everybody stands up from their pews to look at me.

    Uncle Bufford is holding my arm, and without him there, I probably would have lost my balance and tripped from these ridiculous high heeled slippers I was forced to wear.

    "You look lovely, girl." He whispers.

    "Thank you."

"You better, from all that money spent on that dress. I can't believe your--" he clamps his mouth shut, and I look at him quizzically. He presses his lips into a line and looks forward.

"What do you mean?"


"Yea right. I know there's something-"

"Look, I see him." My uncle mumbles, nodding his head towards the front.

Unwillingly, my eyes swivel forward, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Through everyone's heads though I can't see him. The chapel is larger than I remember, especially now that I'm the one walking down the aisle. I never thought this would be me. Aunt hung flowers from most of the wooden pews, along with some blue silk ribbon that matches the flowers in my hands. I can't imagine how much this all cost, and I have no idea what Mr Ambrose means by I will have to pay for all of this. Is he going to make me fetch his files until I'm eighty?

    We're already near the edge of the stage when I catch my first glimpse of him.

    Ella was right. He doesn't look special in any way. In fact, it looks like he just came from his office. But I wouldn't expect anything different from him. That grin is still on my face, but falters only slightly when I catch the expression on his. Well, it's almost an expression. He looks me up and down, his eyes ravishing me right in the middle of the church. I feel my face heat up. Uncle Bufford lets go of my arm and makes his way to his seat. I stand in front of Mr Ambrose.

    The priest begins speaking.

    I don't pay him any attention, because Mr Ambrose whispers, "Miss Linton."

    "Mr Ambrose, sir."

    We look into each others eyes and suddenly, I don't notice the entire church. I don't notice the priest droning on about marriage. All I see is him. I take in the blank non-expression on his face, but the storm in his eyes. I see the promises in his eyes, that later...later I will pay for this.


Eeeeyyy friends! How's it going?

So I decided not to write any more of the wedding in Lilly's POV, instead I'm going to post the chapter about the ceremony from Mr Rikkard Ambrose's POV!! I've already started working on it, and I'm almost done, so I'll post it when I have...let's say 180 votes on the story. If you want to hear what's going on in Mr Ambrose's head, please vote.

Also, your comments make my day. I was having a really awful night recently and I went back and read all your comments and it totally cheered me up. Thank you all so much :) I love you guys.


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