He's in Dire Need of Assistance

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~5 June 1843~

For three days, I sit alone in a cell. The only time I see anyone is when they bring me some food twice a day.

I almost go crazy sitting there by myself. There's nothing for me to do. The room is empty, solid stone, and so is the door. The single blanket I'm given has a couple holes, so even if there was a window I wouldn't be able to lower myself out of it.

My mind doesn't stop. I keep thinking about my poor babies, and if they're doing okay without me. I wonder if Ella misses me, or if she's upset that I left again without warning. I never told her about the adventures I went on with Rick while I was his secretary.

But most of all I miss him. My mind doesn't stop replaying the tender moments we've shared throughout the three years we've been married. A few sweet kisses when he was in a good mood, some rough passionate ones when he wasn't. I've seen his face everyday and I've had all the time in the world to memorize it, and I can picture him exactly. Even my memories from Egypt and the jungle haven't faded. His image is seared into my mind, never to be forgotten or erased. I'll never forget the first time we kissed, those nights he huddled close to me and held me in his arms. He doesn't do that much any more. Now, the occasional kiss is the farthest he'll go. Most nights he sleeps in his office. I don't know what I did wrong...

The days pass and all I can think about is what I could have done better, how I could have helped our marriage. How our kids have grown up without a father, and now possibly without a mother. How Rick has never, and will never love me. I tried to be independent, and still carry on without him, but I love him. I always have, no matter how much I tried to deny it.

I hear the sound of footsteps come towards my cell. I look at the empty tray of food. They must be coming to retrieve it.

The lock opens and Dalgliesh strolls through confidently, and cocks his head to the side.

"Can you come with me like a good little girl, or do I have to bring the guard to ensure you behave?"

The way I see it, I have three options. I could be submissive and see what he wants. I could demand he treat me as he would a man and make his guard escort me out. Or, I could be devious.

I lower my head submissively and stand up.

"Very good," Lord Dalgliesh purrs, his arm brushing my shoulder as I pass. I cringe, and when  I pass through the door, the guard reaches his hand out to keep me in place, but I duck underneath it and run.

I hear a sigh and footsteps coming after me. Strong hands grab my arms and I try to wrestle my grip away, but he holds on tight.

The guard brings me back to my place in front of Lord Dalgliesh.

"Really, Lillian, you've gotten no smarter in the last few years." Lord Dalgliesh rolls his eyes and pulls me into an office. Shoving me into a chair, he walks behind his desk and sits in a leather chair.

"I need your help, Lillian."

I give him my best glare.

"Are you willing to help me?"

I give him another glare.

He stands up, palms on his desk, and leans forward.

"Lillian, I request your cooperation peacefully. You can either do as I ask, or you will do as I tell you. The choice is yours." He comes around the other side of his large desk. "So, what is your choice?"


Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm kind of sick, but I'll try to update again soon! 

Have a good night :) 


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