Part II - Preface

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The Father was pleased with his People. They made him very happy. In order that they might be there for his pleasure in the future, the Father had endowed the People with a passion for procreation. He soon saw that this passion had become an insatiable lust that threatened to destroy them through their increasing numbers.

However, the Father was very wise. He was, after all, older than Time himself. (It has been rumored that the Father created Time to bring order to the Universe. But then, it has also been rumored that Time created the Father to bring diversity to exsistence. Perhaps they created each other simply to relieve the boredom.) He saw that soon the people would fill their world and need to find other gardens to populate. The thought of the people filling the universe with their joyful sounds pleased the Father no end.

With this thought lighting his way, he proceeded to wander the universe, building gardens everywhere he went. It was his intention to leave the people enough land that they might breed to their heart's content for all eternity and never want for anything.

However, the Father (having lived most of his life in Chaos) was unacustomed to dealing with Time. It was in the twentieth millenea, while He was building gardens in an obscure sector of the universe (He felt that the brilliant blue sun would look lovely setting over the tranquil seas), that the People forgot the Father altogether. No one had spoken his name in so long that there were no longer even legends of Him.

The People began to feel that they were alone in the universe. With this came a despair which soon transformed to a restless anger. For release, the People turned this anger on their brothers and blood was spilled throughout the world as the various families vied for power and land.

Had He seen the devastation, the Father would surely have put an end to the struggles. But he was busy elsewhere, and in his mind had been gone only a moment. Meanwhile, the carnage continued...

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