Part III (continued) - Olympia

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"Captain, we're approaching the system. In ten minutes we'll be in position to begin deceleration for system orbit."

"Noted, Ensign. Have Navigation stand ready." The Olympia I had been in deep space now for over a thousand years and she was finally in sight of her destination. This was a time of celebration for a crew who had never seen any home other than the sterile walls of the great ark. Her sister ship, the Olympia II was right there with her in the glory of the moment.

The two ships sparkled as they slowly rotated around each other, the tethers stretched tight as they danced their slow waltz, bathed in the light of their new star. Swinging the wide arc that would take them into orbit, the twin ships entered an area of space new to man. This system had been alive in it's own way for billions of years, and in it's own way was jealous of it's position in the galaxy. It had survived without man for an eternity and would continue to do so now. The intruders must be stopped, would be stopped. And so an obstacle was presented, perhaps by chance, perhaps not. It was a severe test none the less.

"Captain, we have achieved system orbit. Adjusting plane to begin planetary trail." It was Ensign Torrents again.

"Begin tracking the target and match her orbital speed. I want to monitor her for a while before we begin deceleration." Ever the cautious seafarer, Captain Purdy intended to know this new world well before exposing his crew and cargo to it.

Following the same solar orbit as the coveted globe, the pair matched her speed and kept a distance equal to half the orbital circumference. From this vantage point, Purdy could examine their prospective home at his leisure, ensuring the safety of his crew as well as the that of the thousands of colonists in his charge. He needed to be sure that no serious changes had taken place on the planet between the probe date and their arrival. A necessary delay.

After several days of remote scans, Captain Purdy was convinced it was time to take the next step. He ordered deceleration to begin and slowly the planet began to catch up with the ships. It had become a favorite pastime of the colonists to frequent the View Port Lounge to watch the progress of the approaching orb. Shimmering in the brilliant light of their new star, the little planet shown radiant blue through it's thin cloud cover.
The colonists were dazzled by the swift progression of the two satellites orbiting the spinning ball.

As the pair of vessels were overtaken by the planet, the tether lines which had connected them throughout their excursion were cut loose creating for the the first time in some thirteen hundred years, two independent vehicles. Slowly, the pair separated. Setting sights on the swiftly approaching body, Captain Purdy had a heading set for planetay orbit.


On the Olympia II, the routine was duplicated precisely. The two ships would be entering identical orbits, though in opposing locations. For now, they separated, parting company as they found their individual approaches. It would be several days now before they entered orbit and could begin a close up examination of their new home.

"Captain D'Mond, Tracking reports unusual activity in the vicinity, Sir." Ensign Trench was showing no outward signs of alarm. D'Mond decided quickly that there must be nothing to worry about.
"What range are they scanning, Ensign?"

"Maximum range, Sir. Non-orbital objects have been located in the eleventh sector. Approximately 86 clicks out Sir." He seemed to have all the pertinent data at hand, but then Trench always seemed to have the data ready.


"Undetermined at this time, Sir. Tracking is currently requesting data from the Olympia I to attempt triangulation. Doppler was ineffective at this range, Sir." The tense look moulding Trench's features betrayed the anoyance at not having all the answers. He was used to answering the Captain's questions before they were asked.

"Keep me abreast of the situation Ensign."

"Aye, Captain. I'll be returning to tracking to moniter the situation personally. I'll contact you as soon as I have anything new." With that announcement, Trench turned on his heel and headed in the direction he had indicated.


Aboard the Olylmpia I, Captain Purdy was overseeing the tracking operation. It was becoming apparent that the objects were headed in the general direction of the arks. It was still too early to tell how close to the their projected positions the objects would pass. Ensign Torrence was moving from station to station, carefully watching the progress. The data from the two ships was being correlated and constantly updated. The further apart the two arks became, the more detailed the projection grew.

"We need more separation Torrence. Inform the Olympia II that we will be altering our course. Pull us away from her. Take us 15 clicks off our current trajectory."

"Direction Sir?"
"Starboard, 5 degrees, azimuth 0." Purdy never took his eyes off the projecton display. Torrence snapped orders to the various operators and took up a handset. Having relayed the captain's orders to the bridge, he turned his attention back to the moniters. Slowly the ship swung out and away from the course that would have taken her to the new colony.

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