The Final Game

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The Wildcats were losing horribly and now it was half time and therefore time for the final cheer off.

Veronica was really worried from seeing her brother lose. But she had to pull it together. The West High Night Cheerleaders had already done their routine and now it was East High's turn.

The cheerleaders were warming up when a stuck up West High Cheerleader tripped a junior on the East High Cheerleading team, Jenny. And she as an important part of the routine that was made.

"Ow! I think I twisted my ankle! She did it on purpose!" Jenny glared at The West High Cheerleader who tripped her.

"Who me? I didn't do anything." The cheerleader said innocently.

Veronica scoffed and glared at the cheerleader.

"Ok, can you get up?" Coach Abrams asked.

Jenny tried to get up but immediately fell down because of the pain.

"Ok you need to rest," Veronica told her.

The cheerleaders helped get up and lay on the bench.

The East High Cheerleaders were given five minutes to figure out what they were going to do.

"How are we going to find another cheerleader in the next 5 minutes to take her place?" Martha asked desperately.

Suddenly and an idea popped in Veronica's head. A nerdy freshman by the name Sofia had joined the squad and throughout the year, Veronica saw her practicing the routine by herself when she thought no one was in the gym.

"Sofia we need you," Veronica told her.

"M-me." The poor girl stuttered.

"Her?!" Everybody else yelled.

"I know for a fact that you have been practicing the routine on your own for the past year. You're our only hope." Veronica told her.

"Veronica are you sure about this?" Coach Abrams asked.

"Trust me.' This girl has talent." Veronica told Coach.

Sofia blushed.

Veronica looked at the other cheerleaders and they nodded,

They, therefore, started the routine.

Veronica and all the other cheerleaders were singing:

Don't like waiting [x2]

Let's go right now!

Gotta' hit the ground

Dancing 'fore the music

Slows down

What I'm sayin' [x2]

If there's something to fix

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