The Party

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There was a party at the Boltons

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There was a party at the Boltons.

Veronica was taking Ryan somewhere with their food.

"Where are you taking me?" Ryan asked.

"My secret hiding place," Veronica smirked.

They stood in front of a treehouse.

"You would be the third guy up here," Veronica told him.

Ryan raised an eyebrow.

"The other two were Troy and my dad. This is our twin treehouse." Veronica explained.

Ryan chuckled and they started to climb.

"So you serious about U of A?" Ryan asked.

"Cheerleading scholarship yeah. See my grandma went to U of A with a cheerleading scholarship and that's what my dad wants for me. But enough about me. What about you huh? Julliard..." Veronica teased.

"Yeah, but sometimes I think I'm not good enough," Ryan told her.

"Are you kidding me, hatter? You are talented and hard-working. Of course, you are good enough." Veronica told her.

"Maybe, but the thing about Julliard is that it is Two thousand-" Ryan began.

"And two miles from here." They finished in unions.

"I know." Veronica grabbed his hand.

"Don't you wish that everything would just pause?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah." Veronica nodded.

They began singing.

Hmm yeah

Hey yeah

Can you imagine what would happen

If we could have any dream.

I wish this moment was ours to

Own it and that it would

Never leave.

Then I would thank that star,

That made our wish come true.

(Come true) Oh yea 'cause he

Knows that where you are

Is where I should be too

Right here,

Right now, (Ohhh)

I'm looking at you,

And my heart loves the view,

Cause, you mean everything (ohhh)

Right here,

I'll promise you somehow

High School Musical 3: Ryan Love Story Where stories live. Discover now