Chapter 1 : History

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Life used to be good for us Nekos. We used to live side by side with Vampires, Werewolves and Humans. Until the war against us and Vampires. It sent our place in the world spiraling down. Down so low that we are sold.

At the age of Sixteen, Neko boys and girls are forced into auction to be sold. You either go willingly or they take you from your family. In my case it was nether.

In my case it had to have been the worst way to go. We all think our parents would do anything to keep us from them but not mine.

My dad was killed a few years ago so it was just me and my mom. She promised to do anything and everything to keep me safe. Then, about seven months ago, that promise just flew out the window.

We were being chased by a
Group of Vampires when my mom pushed me toward them in order to save herself. I lost all sense in that moment. Anger and sadness consumed me. I didnt even put up a fight anymore.

Two of the Vampires dragged me back to the wagon that would take us back to the palace untill we had come of age.

They threw me in the back and closed the door. I screamed and cried until I heard his voice.

"Hey, come over here. You're okay."

I turned to face him. A young boy was sitting in the corner. Dark blue ears and tail. Black hair and green eyes.

Us both being Nekos automatically drew me to him. He held me close and comforted me, promised he wouldn't leave me.

On the way into the palace he tried to keep me away from them as much as he could. And thats how we ended up here. Sitting, waiting for the next few days to go by before the auction.

Ever sense that day that boy, Leon, had always been there. He should have been sold last week but no matter what the Vampires did he refused to be sold without me.

So now we're being sold as a pair. Which I guess is good. At least I won't lose him.

In a couple days it will be time and I'm absolutely terrified. At the moment I'm curled up against Leon in our cell.

"Dont worry about it." He spoke softly. "I'll always be with you."

I just nodded. There was so much more to worry about then us being together. I mean it was a big problem but there were other things too.

"What if our Master is the abusive type?" That was one of the possibilities.

"Then I'll take all the beatings." Leon said it like he didnt care.

I sat up and stared at him, eyes wide. "No. You can't. I wont let you."

"Let's just hope it won't come to that." He said and pulled me close to him again.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. "Hopefully we won't have to worry about that."

Leon stiffened. "They're coming."
He pushed me behind him, into the corner and stood up.

I sniffed the air and sure enough they were coming. About four Vampires. What could they want?

"You dont need to protect her like that." One of them spoke. "We aren't gonna hurt her. Unless she decides not to listen that is."

I stood up slowly and poked my head up over Leon's shoulder, my white ears and tail twitching.

The Vampire laughed slightly and shook his head. He had red hair and amber eyes. He seemed fancy ish.

"Time to get prepared for the viewing," he said and unlocked our cell.

Great. The viewing.

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