Chapter 10 : ???

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I made sure to get up early the next morning. I didn't want to find out what Master had planned if I slept in again.

The pain in my back was to much to ignore today. It burned and throbbed with each step I took, sending a pulse of pain through my body. It must have been part of the lesson. Normally I would get some time to heal but it didn't seem it would work that way.

My hands worked quickly as I cut up many fruits for breakfast in an hour. Master and Nixon always loved to have fruit when they ate in the morning. I didn't take vampires as the type to eat fruit but whatever they wanted I guess.

The steady beat of the knife against the cutting board along with the sizzling of the deer on the stove. So far I hadn't seen Leon once, much less heard him working around in the manor. Not being near him was starting to put me on edge. I was missing his warmth and comfort. 

There was slow thumps as someone came down the stairs just on the opposite side of the wall in the kitchen. I assumed it was Master but when I looked up to see, Nixon was there standing in the doorway. He tilted his head before walking toward me, reaching out and taking a strawberry from my cutting board. 

"I'm sorry Sir but breakfast isn't ready quite yet." I said quietly, tilting my head forward to cut another strawberry. 

"That's alright, Ezra." He responded, reaching out to take the knife from my hands. "I'm not that hungry anyway, that'll be enough I'm sure." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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