Chapter 6 : Home Sweet Home

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There were many eyes on us as we descended the steps of the palace. Other vampires had stopped what they were doing to watch us walk back to the vehicle waiting for us.

The looks on everyones face was puzzled and curious. Some of them were even confused. I was starting to see how bad it situation had become. It was easy to tell now.

People would only look at us that way if it wasnt normal which meant the King having a pet wasnt normal. Were we his first?

You would think that a King had many maids and butlers running about his house maybe even slaves. It turned out that was not the case. He had no one to work with him in his manner. It was just Leon and I.

We were directed into the back of a shiny black car. The back where we sat was secluded from the rest of the car, just a box in the back. There was no windows. No light. Just a black box.

Once the door was shut, Leon pulled me into his arms and leaned back into the far corner of the small space. "You saw it too, didn't you?" He asked quietly.

The way they were looking at us, I thought.  Yea I saw it too.

Leon was quick to read my thoughts. "This is bad Ezra. Worse then I thought. I don't trust that Nixon. There's something off about him."

I nodded against his chest and closed my eyes, putting myself in even more darkness then before. It didnt matter if my eyes were open or not, everything was still black either way.

How bad do you think it is? I asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know. I really don't." He whispered back to me with a soft caress against my cheek. "Just do as they say. As long as we listen to them everything should be alright."

The long journey to the King's manner felt longer then it should. Without anything to watch or anything to do, all you could do was count down the minutes and seconds till the door opened and let us out of this small space.

My mind didn't stray very far except for thinking about what might happen once we reached our new home. It would be less of a home and more of a prison but it was the only thing we would be granted. It was that or death.

When the time finally came for the doors to open, I winced as the bright light from outside filled my vision. Being left in darkness for so long left me blind now that there was light.

"Come now." Kain's voice called out. "Come see your new home."

Leon stood up, once again taking me with him. He led the way as he stepped out of the box and onto the grass of Kain's yard.

The mansion standing infront of us was huge. Large pillars rose evenly along the edge of the building. There was marble and quarts dancing over the walls. Shiny Windows staring back at us. I had never seen something so magnificent before.

Nixon gestured for Leon and I to follow him inside and we did. The main room was even better then the outside.

There was a crystal chandelier and a grand staircase leading upstairs. The railings and the archways all had gold accents engraved into them. Just like the windows outside, shiny marble floors.

Kain closed the door and smiled to himself, his eyes flickering down before returning to us again. His grin widened as he spoke. "Now, Time to show you to where you will be staying and your places in this house."

Leon stiffened beside me but nodded, speaking quietly. "Yes, Master."

The name sent shivers through my body. That name would be the only thing we could say. No names. Just Master. Something in me didn't agree with it. Something in me wasn't prepared to do this.

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