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"Klaus?" I step into my own house, listening to nothing. It was quiet, as if no one was in the house. Everyone, except Caroline and Tyler, where at an island that lead to the cure and Silas. We managed to complete the map on Jeremy's body, but they never told me how. I was too busy on babysitting duty watching Damon in the cellar since he was compelled to kill Jeremy.

I walk into my living room and see Klaus standing in the middle of the room, looking at the kitchen floor, which lays a dead corpse. I furrow my eyebrows and stand behind him. "Is that...?"

He doesn't say anything and I knew the answer was yes. I wasn't sure what to say, not knowing how he would react. I knew Klaus was hurting, but he kept that inside.

I grab his hand and he immediately squeezes my hand in comfort. "I'm sorry, Klaus."

The next morning I was sitting on my couch, staring out the window. Klaus hasn't move his spot and was still staring at Kol's lifeless body. I don't blame him though. I know how it feels to lose a sibling, more than once. We had a small talk throughout the night. I tried to comfort him with my voice but, he preferred some quiet.

"Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic." Tyler flashes a sarcastic smile once he walks into my house. His eyes lands on me, "Oh, Maya. Not a surprise you're here."

I roll my eyes, deciding not to answer. "Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets." Klaus responds, his eyes gazing around the room.

"My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal." Tyler chuckles, walking up to him, outside the living room.

"I'm an Original. What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline won't be cured along with me?" Klaus asks, smirking.

"You know what I think? I think that's impossible. I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. So, whatever happens to you, happens only to you, which means I can kill your ass and no one else has to die. Although I am still debating just how to do it."

Klaus speeds towards Tyler, but stops due to the barrier. "I recommend drowning. There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter."

I knew this wasn't my fight but I had to say something. I stand up from my seat, "Just shut up, the both of you."

Both of their heads snap towards my direction, their faces showing opposite emotions. Klaus smirks at me, his eyebrows raised, whereas Tyler shoots daggers at me with his eyes.

Tyler opens his mouth to say something when Caroline appears from the back door and spots him. "You're still here? What are you doing?"

"Gloating." he responds and pours himself a drink. Klaus moves the other way and greets her. "Hello, Caroline."

She glares at him for a moment before looking back at Tyler. "Come home. Don't stoop to his level." Tyler shakes his head, "He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself."

"Fine. You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse." Caroline says, eyeing around my house. She finds a table cloth in a cabinet and she and Tyler use it to cover up Kol's body.

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even." He turns his to Caroline, "Call Bonnie. Get her to let me out of here."

"I will never, ever, help you." Caroline spats from the kitchen. "How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter." Klaus states, staring back at my friend.

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