06 | risks

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[July 3rd X791]

"I'll go." Ariana says as she steps up, her fists clenched hard and her mind still racing from the events that occured yesterday. She was still clearly upset, furious even, and when Natsu had asked if she was okay, her skin was hot to the touch.

"No, you're too overwhelmed by you're emotions Ariana. That kind of reckless attacking isnt safe for you." Erza advised her, and placed her armored hand on her skin, unable to feel the burning of her arm. "I think it's best if you sit this one out, and try to calm down in case you're called for a battle." Erza finsihed.

Ariana raised her pure blue eyes and met Erzas, but when she looekd into the red-headed mages orbs, she saw nothing but care and concern.

"You're right, okay. You better go out there and kick everyone's ass Erza, before I have to go and do it myself." she said and gave the mage a cocky smirk, and everyone around Ariana could feel the air get a little bit cooler.

"Whatever this Pandamonium is, I'm taking it down." Erza stated boldly.


"What... the hell... is that?" Lucy gawked when the massive, scary looking building had appeared in the centre of the arena, a small door for entrance that the volunteering guild members would go through to do who knows what.

Ariana stood with her hands folded across her chest, as she was still slightly, only slightly raging. It would've been great if there were monsters she could've annihilated, but she listened and took Erza's advice, and was now standing anxiously, looking for a way to release her still pent up anger. Ariana was feeling so eager to kick Sabertooths ass, and really, anyone who stood in her way. Especially if that person was anyone from that guild, and even Sting.


She thought about him for a little. Ariana had been so pissed off at the blonde since he had done nothing to help Yukino, and she still was. What kind of guild had he chosen to be a part of? Why would he associate himself with people like... that? She was disappointed at him and angry with him at the same time. A small part of her had missed the young boy she met when she first saw him seven years ago, and she wondered what he would've been like if he stayed innocent like that, and how their relationship would be.

But he was different now, and she couldn't be with someone or associate herself with some one who doesn't even treat their family members right, and only seems to care about a competition and power.

As the blonde slayer had thought about the Sabertooth guild, said guild was glaring down the members of Fairy Tail, especially Natsu and Ariana, but they didn't notice.

They too, were eager to fight the rival guild and beat them at all costs, but Sting seemed to be the only one who couldn't bring himself to look over at Fairy Tail and glare at Ariana. He kept thinking about her words, and why she cared so much. Why did she have to care so much? Why was she such a nice, and protective person?

As much as Sting wanted to fight her and prove to her that he was stronger and had matured over these seven years, there was something about his motives that made him feel it wasn't right.

She fought for her friends and the people she cared about...

He fought for victory and for the sole reason to win and gain strength...

They were such opposites but yet, they were so attached to each other and couldn't take their minds off of the other. Ariana hated Sting for what he had grown up to be, but at the same time, her memories of his young and innocent self were still in her mind, and she couldn't fully hate him because there could be more sides to him. Sting had wanted to show off his new power and how dominant he was, but still, he cared for Ariana and didn't want to see her so upset and sad, the same way she was yesterday. As much as they wanted to fight and win against each other, they wouldn't be able to fully fight it out.

𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨. sting eucliffeWhere stories live. Discover now