09 | acceptance

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[July 4th X791]


"Sorry!" the petite dragon slayer had cried, and then apologized over and over. She didn't want to give Ariana more pain that how much she was already feeling.

Wendy was simply brushing through the blondes locks of thick, blonde hair with a fine-toothed brush. It happened to catch onto every knot that was in her hair, and nearly yank it out as she tried to comb through it.

Even after a day of rest, Ariana's was prohibited from competing. Her internal bleeding was healed, and her stomach was no longer in too much pain, but her body was now really feeling the soreness from the day before. Maybe it was because of all of the adrenaline that she didn't feel as much pain as she felt right now.

"How are you feeling?" the small bluenette had asked as she looked the slayer on the bed over, but Ariana had a calm and resting look on her face.

"I'm feeling better, just sore." Ariana admitted, as she could barely sit up on her bed without feeling a slightly soreness in her stomach and around the rest of her body. The bruises all over her body were starting to appear brighter on her skin, although her skin wasn't as pale as it was the day before.

"Should I try another spell just to help?" Wendy asked with a shy smile.

"No, don't waste your magic power on me, I should be alright for the rest of the day. You're going to be subbing in for me for today so you should keep all of your energy to participate." Ariana said and then gave Wendy a thankful smile.

"No, Elfman said he would step in for today." Wendy told her and then continued to talk. "I thought he would be better to compete in the games rather than me." she admitted.

This caused Ariana to give Wendy a confused look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ariana asked her and waited for Wendy to explain what she meant by her statement.

"Well, I'm so small compared to him and my magic isn't meant for attacking, I'm more of a supporter and a healer. Elfman is strong and he can fight and win, unlike me. If he's the other option to compete instead of me, I think it would be better for everyone if Elfman would compete for our team." Wendy told her and Ariana did not want to accept what Wendy was saying to her.

"Wendy, don't say things like that." Ariana stated and grabbed a rather surprised look from Wendy.

"Don't sell yourself short when you're clearly such a strong and capable wizard. You're such a valuable asset to Team Natsu, even though that you don't think so, but you are so strong and helpful to all of us. You always help us and heal us and you're the most caring and genuine person that we have on our team. No matter what you think of yourself, you should know that as your teammate and friend, I believe that you are so strong and have so much potential to be an amazing wizard." Ariana had told her and a large smile had spread across the younger slayers face.

Wendy had always looked up to Ariana, even though she never mentioned it. Ariana was strong, caring, kind and able to take care of herself and that was something that Wendy had always wanted to grow up to be.

As the blonde had finished what she said, Wendy's smile was from ear to ear with happiness and admiration written clearly all over her face. "Thank you so much Aria!" She exclaimed and gave a little giggle as she said those words and her sparkling brown eyes filling with happiness. "That means a lot to me!" She added as well and Ariana laughed lightly at this as well.

"No problem Wendy." The blonde replied and smiled.

A sudden wretch of pain had tore through Ariana's abdomen as she shifted on the sheeted hospital bed. A loud, violent cough left her mouth as she experienced the pain inside of her and her hand flew to her stomach where she had felt the pain.

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