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"I need to report a missing child." I paced the living room floor.

"How long has the child been missing?"

"Umm almost twenty-two hours."

"What's the age of the child?"


"Excuse me... what?"

"I said eighteen." I repeated myself.

"Ma'am you do know that at the age of eighteen they are considered an adult."

"Okay so what the hell are you saying!?"

"I'm saying that I can't put in a report for a grown person that hasn't even been missing for twenty-four hours."

"YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO HELP PEOPLE! Do your fucking job and help me find-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because Queen walked inside.

"Where the hell have you been!?" I yelled throwing my phone down.

She put her back against the door. She looked like she hasn't had any sleep.

"Queen! Do you hear me fucking talking to you!?"

"Yes. I have ears Mo."

"I'm this close to slapping the shit out of you. Where were you?"

"At a party with some friends. We drank a little. A little turned into to much and I lost track of time. Not a big deal so chill."

"NOT A BIG DEAL!? Ooooo Jesus please give me strength." I tried to remain calm."Queen do you realize how worried I was about you? I didn't get any sleep last night. You weren't answering your phone-"

"So what?"

"SO WHAT? Queen, I may not be your biological mother but as long as you're under my fucking roof you're my CHILD! You will follow my rules. You can not do whatever and say whatever the hell you want-"

"You stay on my ass 24/7! Give me some damn space Monica! I can't so shit without you breathing down my neck!"

Before I even knew it my hand went across her face. She held her cheek and looked at me with glossy eyes. "And you wonder why I wish my dad was here sometimes."

I snatched her cell phone and car keys out her hand. "You won't be getting these back for awhile. So go on up to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the day."

"I can't stand you." She ran towards the stairs.

"Oh don't worry boo. You graduate in two more weeks!" I yelled.

Queen's bedroom door slammed shut. Usually I would fuss and tell her don't slam doors in my house but I let it slide.

I sat on the couch rubbing my temple. I have never had to lay my hands on Queen. I usually don't even get that loud with her.

Something is telling me she didn't actually go to a party last night. The truth will come out soon.


"Ayo D." I said with my back pressed against the wall.

"What King damn. It's too early for you to be calling my phone."

I chuckle. "My bad. Guess who I saw?"



"Queen!? Where?"

"She came to visit me last night."

"Was Monica with her?"

"Nah. Queen basically caught me up on what's been going on at home."

"So what has been going on at home exactly?"

"Mo been keeping them from me on purpose. All that  'they will come visit you' shit she said was a lie. Monica doesn't allow them to come visit me." I retold her everything Queen explained to me. "Queen says Monica mistreating them."

"That bitch! I should fly my ass to Texas and kick Monica's ass. We should've know she was going to pull that bullshit. The only reason she is treating them wrong is because they aren't hers."

"Oh don't worry. I'll handle all that ass whooping shit." I said rethinking what Queen told me. It made my blood boil thinking about it.

How could Monica? Even though Miracle isn't her daughter, it's her niece. How could she mistreat her own blood?

"King you still on here?" Dorian asked.

"Yea." I responded staring into space.

"I think it's time I pay Mo a little visit."

I chuckled "Don't do anything crazy."

"I'll try to be civilized."


While busy on my laptop I looked up to see Queen heading towards the kitchen.

I did a low sigh still upset about the recent events.

"Queen." I called out.

She turned around with a bag of chips in her hands. She looked at me waiting to see what I had to say.

"I apologize for slapping you earlier. Usually I don't snap on you like that, but you really did some stupid stuff."

Queen sighed. "I apologize also. For saying you aren't my real mom, and for leaving so suddenly. I won't ever do that again."

"Good." I let out a sigh of relief. Just knowing that she forgives me is weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Since were apologizing and everything. I should tell you the truth."

I closed my laptop and looked at her. "I'm listening."

"Well instead of actually going to a party... I um-"

The door bell rang. I got up from the couch and opened the door.

"Delivery for Monica Monroe?" A UPS man stood there holding a bouquet of black roses.

"Um... that's me."

"Sign here." He handed me the flowers and a pen.

I signed on the dotted line. "Wait. Who sent these?" I asked before he walked away.

He shrugged. "They didn't leave a name."

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the roses. "Alright thanks." I shut the door.

"Black roses? Creepy. But who's this secret admirer?" Queen asked giggling.

"Hell if I know." It was a card attached to the roses. I opened it.

To my first love:Love doesn't last forever and life doesn't either. I read to myself.

"Ooooo roses. Black is a odd color for flowers but they're still pretty." Miracle commented walking into the living room area. "What does the card say mama."

"It doesn't say anything." I lied tucking the card away.

My heart was beating fast. What the hell does that mean. "Love doesn't last forever and life doesn't either."

This has to be some dumb kid trying to spook me. Or is it?

Whoever sent this to me obviously wants me in some type of pain. But who? Could it be King? If it is how the hell did get my address?

"Mo!" Queen snapped.

"Huh?" I said shakily.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine." I smiled. "Who's hungry?"

"Me!" Miracle shouted. "Im starving."

"Then let's go someplace." I grabbed my keys.

The girls looked at me crazy but then just headed outside for the truck.

Before leaving I grabbed the roses and tossed them in the trash. I walked outside locking the door behind me. I look around at my neighborhood. I have an uneasy feeling that someone is watching me. I don't feel safe.

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