chapter 14

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Scarlets pov

I woke up on a hard surface and saw tom waiting by my cell

'Hey tom' i said and he turned around and smiled at me

'Hey i bought u a burger since I know you hate juvie food' he said and slid  one down

'Aww thanks now when the hell am i getting out' i said and he chuckled

'Tomorrow' he said

'After i eat in letting off some steam' i said and he nodded

'Just don't kill anyone' he said and i stated eating my food and after I ate tom put some handcuffs on me and lead me to the gym

He took my hand cuffs off and i started with the punching bags

Lexi that bitch

I hate ryder

I miss blake and Eli

I want to go home

Fuck this shit

That's how pretty much my day went swearing at ryder and lexi and me missing blake and Eli

I was then pulled off and saw tom

'Hey what happend' i asked him

'Your fists, come on your angry you need to get them cleaned before they get infected' he said and pulled me into first aid and got some rubbing alcohol and put it on my fists and some non toxic rubbing alcohol on my lip piercing and then he wrapped my fists and put me back in the cell and i fell asleep

Blake pov

That tom guy that took scarlet said she was gonna come out of juice tomorrow so me Eli and the rest decided to raid a gang

We decide to raid the knock outs

'ELI COME ON' i shouted and he and the other came down wearing all black and guns .

'Ok our men are outside come on' i said and we jumped in our cars and i almost died inside when i saw scarlets car but she was gonna be here tomorrow and i am so not letting her go to school for a good month

We went to the knock outs warehouse where the leader is

'Ok guys the plan is to kill he leader and then bomb the place up' i said and everyone split up and I was with Daniel

Liam was at home because when Eli pinned him he got a huge bruise on his neck so that taught him to leave her alone

Me and Daniel kicked open teh door and saw 2 guys charging at us and we shot each guy

We made our way inside and saw link 3 more other guys and then I realised

The rest of his men are upstairs

'Daniel we need to get upstairs and help the rest' i said and ran upstairs and saw Eli's roundhousing everyone that wasn't our men

Just then it was all silent and we all realised

'Dude their leaders asleep i hacked into their system i know he's here' Chris said and we spilt up

'When anyone finds him let us know so we can blow this place up' i said and everyone nodded and we spilt up and I went into a corner and it was all dark

I found a switch on teh side of the hallway and turned it on and saw it was pictures of gangs and their hideouts

I grabbed everything I could find and that's when someone shouted

'GUYS I FOUND HIM' i smirked and pit down all timer bombs i had and then shouted

'GUYS WE HAVE 2 MINUTES TO PLACE BOMBS AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE' i shouted and placed all the bombs I had on me and dived out a window and jumped in my car and saw loads of figures going into cars and driving off and then I saw the warehouse burn into flames and i smirked

I drove to the house and saw everyone pulling up behind me and i smirked

'Guys i have nearly all gangs hideouts the knock outs had it with them let me show you' i said and they all walked inside and since it was late around 6 or 7 so everyone changed and showered and they met me in the study on the 3rd floor

'Ok guys when I was in the knock out kings are and we were finding the leader i--' i was cut off by the door bell

'I'll get it' i said and ran downstairs and opened the door and saw....


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