chapter 23

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Blakes pov

I woke up and saw I was in a hospital

Wait what

All i rememberd was Riley coming over and me and the guys fought him off along with scarlet

Wait where is she

What the fuck is going on

I coughed and in came a nurse

'Oh my god you awake' she said and went out and around 20 minutes later she came back in with

And Daniel

But no scarlet

'Wait where is scarlet' i said and the nurse left and the boys just looked down

'Blake please don't get mad' Eli said and i nodded

'I wont' i said not promising thinking where this was all going

'It's been a year' Zander said

'WHAT' i shouted

'You were in a coma for a year' he said

'Ok but where is she' i said and bit pissed and annoyed

'S-she didn't make it' Eli whispered and just then my heart sank

My vision became blurry and i started crying

'When Eli when did it happen' i said to him

'She was shot in her stomach and she fought and she fought hard' Chris said

'She he came back to life twice and every time she did she only wanted you but then her heart failed and they couldn't find a donor for her because she had a rare blood type' Daniel said and his voice cracked and i got up and hugged them all

'I'm sorry guys' i said and they all looked at me confused

'Why' they said in unison

'I put you all through that I should have killed him when i had the chance' i said

'No we are like brothers and we are sorry blake' they said

'Why' i said to them

'We buried scarlet' they said and i cried harder and a nurse came in and handed me a note

'Here's something your sister gave me before she passed away and told me to give it to blake king only and one thing your allowed to go home anytime you want' she said and liam gave me a bag of clothes and i went into the bathroom to change

It was some jeans and shirt with some shoes

I put them on and brushed my hair and walked outside

'We will read the letter at home' i said and we walked outside and i went into the black SUV and the driver drove to the place I haven't been in a while


I saw my house in sight and it was excatly how it was before

The driver pulled up and Zander helped me get out out a bit since my leg was still healing so i managed to get inside the house and we sat down and i opened the letter

Which nicely write blake king on the front

I opened the letter and started reading

Dear blake,
If you are reading this maybe I haven't made it but always know i love you and will be watching you (might sound creepy but you know what i mean)

I love you with all my heart and when Riley told me you were alive i ran out that window and tracked you down and in days i found you

I really wish I was with you right now and i have no idea how long it's been and when you are reading this but no matter what please keep your head up high and stay strong along with

And mostly Eli

He was like my brother all of you were just please, always stay safe and i know i have said this a lot of times but

I love you and i love you all

In sorry blake but I'll be back

Love scarlet king ♥

I read the letter to them and they started crying and I just stared at the heart she drew and shaded in

'We lost her' Daniel said sitting down in disbelief like he couldn't believe it but it was mostly to me

'Guys I'm sorry' i said and we all went upstairs and into scarlets room and it was just how it was 1 year ago

'Guys i need to go to her grave i need to see her' i said and they nodded but one thing was on my mind

What did she mean by

I'll be back....

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