Chapter 15: And it starts

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Edward's POV

"So when is the wedding" Ashima asked but before I could say something Mack walked in saying "What the hell, you both are getting married I didn't thought this would happen so soon" with a shocked expression.

"Shut up Mack we were talking about Madison's wedding" I said grinning.

"Oh, hey Ashima what..." I cut Mack in between.

"Ignore him Ashima, so what was I saying...yeah the wedding is in three days so we'll be leaving tomorrow morning".

"What do you mean by we" Mack again spoke in between with curiosity not letting Ashima say anything.

"By we I mean me and Ashima so now stop poking you nose in between" I replied as Ashima chuckled a little.

"But Edward I don't think I'll get few days off on such a shot notice" she said.

"You don't need to worry about that I'll handle it, you just go home and start your packing" I replied and Mack gave me a questioning look so I explained him everything.

"But you can take some other girl with you, then why Ashima" Mack said giving me a teasing look and I know what he wants to hear.

"It's because I want to, so just shut your mouth" I replied and Ashima looked at me like not understanding why I said that and Mack chuckled.

"I mean by now Madison must have told my every relative about Ashima so that's why I'm taking her with me" I quickly corrected myself.

"Okay so I should leave now" Ashima said getting up and taking her hand bag.

"Yeah I'll pick you at seven in the morning" I replied.

"Okay" she said before leaving while I stared at her butt as she left.

"Dude control your eyes and desires too" Mack said laughing but I just ignored him.

"Hey can I come to the wedding too" he asked.

"No, gate crashers are not allowed" I replied rudely.

"This is what happens someone gets their girl they forget their old friends" he said dramatically.

"Okay you can come Mr.Drama King but you have to stop poking your nose between me and Ashima" I replied shaking my head and soon got engrossed in work.

Ashima's POV

Edward asked me to attend Madison's wedding with him as his girlfriend I tried to deny it and did my best to find a reason to say no but he needed help and he helped me out when I needed it.

So I agreed to go with him and here I'm packing my clothes but I'm a little nervous about this whole thing, he'll be around me the whole time although few days back I decided to stay away from him but now I'm going to act as his girlfriend in front of his family.

Come on Ashima he helped you so now it's your turn, just keep a safe distance between you and him, I said to myself as I finished packing.

Well now that I have agreed to go with him, all I can do is just hope that this trip goes well without any drama.

Edward's POV

In the morning I got at Ashima's place at seven and got in the lift and pressed on the ninth floor I'm excited to spend these days with her.

Standing in front of her apartment I rang the door bell and soon the door opened and there she stood looking gorgeous as always, she was wearing a simple jeans and top and a jacket over it and there was a small bag in her one hand and in the other a hand bag. I think she was about to come down.

"Looking beautiful" I said and she tried to hide her blush but she failed.

"Thank you" she replied.

"Let me take it" I said taking the bag from her hand as she closed the door.

Soon we were sitting in the car and I noticed that she has not put her seat belt on so I leaned near her and my lips were inches away from her as I looked in her eyes "Edward what are you doing" she asked in a low whisper nervously.

"Just putting your seat belt on" I whispered huskily with my lips touching her ear as she closed her eyes. I fastened her seat belt and moved back, her eyes were still closed so I cleared my throat to gain her attention.

And she quickly opened her eyes and looked out of the window clearly embarrassed and avoided looking at me. I started the car while grinning at the effect I have on her.

"By the way the wedding is on an island" I said breaking the silence and to start a conversation.

"Oh wow, Madison must be really happy" she replied suddenly excited.

"Yeah, it's her wish to get married on an island. I guess you have never been to one, you are going to love it" I said.

"It's going to be fun" she replied.

"By the way Mack is coming too, so I don't think it'll be that much fun" I joked and she chuckled which brought a smile on my lips. She looks even more beautiful while smiling or laughing.

And the rest of the ride went smoothly while talking to eachother.

Soon in the afternoon we reached on the yacht by which we'll be going to the island.

"This is really beautiful" Ashima said amazed as she looked around.

"You are finally here, I thought you'll not come" Madi said as she came towards us and wrapped Ashima in a hug and beside her stood her to be husband Joseph and Mack.

"This is Joseph my to be husband and Joseph this is Ashima Edward's girlfriend" Madi introduced pulling away.

"Nice meeting you Ashima" Joseph said extended his hand for a shake.

"Nice meeting you too" Ashima replied shaking his hand as Joseph brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it, which of course I didn't like.

"I think you must be tired let's go and rest we'll meet rest of the family in the evening" I said taking Ashima's hand in mine as she glared at me and everyone else just laughed at my behavior, after all they know how I'm.

Madi showed us our room and left us alone. "What are you still doing here, go to your room" Ashima said keeping her hands on her waist.

"Baby I think you forgot that you are my girlfriend so we can stay in the same room right" I replied grinning while sitting on the bed.

"No Edward we can't stay in the same room and don't call me that" she said with a frown.

"But they think that we are in a relationship so if we stay in different rooms then it'll be doubtful right" I replied happily.

She glared at me angrily and said something which I didn't hear before storming towards the bathroom.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun" I said to myself smiling.


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