Chapter 30: Misunderstanding

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Edward's POV

"And in this way the sales will increase too" the employee who was explaining the presentation from the Mehra companies side said and the lights turned on as the presentation ended and Mr. Sanjay looked at me waiting for my decision and so did everyone else.

"The presentation was good and I'm glad to say that I'm ready to sign this deal with your company" I said as Mr. Sanjay got up and extended his hand for a shake and I shook his hand standing up.

"Why don't we have a cup of coffee in my office so we can discuss about the deal" I said in a business like voice.

"Sure" he replied with a polite smile which showed wrinkles near his eyes as everyone started leaving and we made our way towards my office.

We were busy discussing about the deal when my phone's screen lighted showing the notification of a new message and both of our eyes moved towards it as the screen turned off again and I ignored the message and moved my eyes towards Mr. Sanjay who looked kind of shocked and surprised at the same time.

"What's wrong" I asked with confusion.

"That nothing I think it was just my illusion" he replied "And I think we should end this meeting here as I'm not feeling well" he added.

"Okay if you say so" I said still confused what picture is he talking about as he left with his assistant following him leaving me confused.

I don't understand he was okay till few minutes back then what happened suddenly and then something struck me as I remembered when my phone went off it was then his behavior changed suddenly but what did he saw on my phone to act like this and what was he saying picture, illusion.

I looked down at my phone turning it on trying to figure out what he saw and then it drowned me that maybe he was talking about Ashima's picture which is on my wallpaper which I set few hours back and it means that he knows Ashima but how what's the connection between them.

Oh wait Ashima's last name is Mehra and this Sanjay's last name is Mehra too, why didn't I thought about it before maybe he is her relative or something.

A surprised expression flashed through my eyes as a thought crossed my head.

"Is it possible that he is Ashima's father" I asked myself.

I snapped out of my trance on hearing my phone ringing and I received it after seeing Mack's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey Ed I was thinking that if you wanted to join me and Lucy for dinner tonight" he asked as soon as I received his call.

"No, what will I do between you and your girlfriend I don't want to spoil your date" I replied.

"It's not a date actually Lucy got promotion so we are going to celebrate and she asked me if I wanted to call any of my friend so you have no choice you have to come" he said leaving no option for me but to agree with him.

"Okay" I replied and hanged up after he said that he'll text me the address of the restaurant.

The rest of the day went by in a jiffy and I was so involved in work that I didn't got any chance to think about Mr. Sanjay's weird behavior and in the evening I reached at the restaurant and saw Mack and Lucy standing outside waiting for me and together we got in and soon we ordered for ourselves and were busy in talking about college days when I heard a familiar laughter.

I looked around to find the source of the laughter only to see Ashima sitting there laughing although it looked more like a sarcastic laugh then a happy one but wait who's she sitting with, with this question in my head I shifted my attention towards the guy sitting in front of Ashima.

I can't see his face as his back is facing me but that's not what I'm concerned about the thing worrying me is who the hell is he and what's Ashima doing with him here, she told me she doesn't knows anyone here then who's he.

Is she on a date or something with him, only the thought of her being on a date with someone else made me angry, sad, hurt and what not as I tried to get my attention back to our conversation but my mind and eyes were again and again moving to their table.

Does she loves this guy but then why did she tell me that she doesn't believe in love did she lie to me.

Shut up Edward you are just over thinking maybe that guy is just her friend and nothing else, I tried to give myself reasons to think positive but again my mind and heart both won't stop thinking about her because she's just mine and I can't tolerate her being with someone else, I should do something now only to show that guy that he can't snatch away something which is mine so easily, I have to show him his place.

Don't do something foolish that you'll regret later Ashima is already mad at you and if you do something now she'll be more mad at you, a small soft voice spoke in my head but my mind doesn't agree with that, it's like there's a war going on between my heart and my mind on what I should do.

I snapped out of my trance when I felt someone shaking me lightly and I looked up to see it's Mack.

"Dude what's wrong with you I have been calling you for a few minutes now but it looks like you were day dreaming about someone" he said teasingly while chuckling a little.

"Hey I'll be back in a minute" he excused himself to attend a call I guess and left after giving a quick kiss on Lucy's cheek making her blush a little, I wish my and Ashima's relation was like that.

Hey I'm not jealous of them in fact I'm really happy for Mack and Lucy, Lucy is a nice girl for Mack. She was our classmate in college and Mack's crush and only few months back he finally gained the courage to confess his feelings to Lucy.

"So who's the girl" Lucy asked bringing me back to earth from my thoughts and I just gave her a confused look in reply.

"Don't act innocent the way you were so busy in your thoughts I can tell there's some girl whom you have been thinking about" she said.

"Concentrate on your food and on your Mack not on me" I replied feeling a little embarrassed now for being in my own dream land as Lucy just laughed looking at my embarrassed face.

I again glanced at where Ashima was sitting only to see her already gazing at me and our eyes met and her eyes just showed hurt and sadness and before I could realize she broke our eye contact and walked towards...I don't know where.

"Come on let's go" Mack said coming back and the three of us moved out although I didn't wanted to leave.

Mack and Lucy left after saying goodbye and I got in my car but didn't leave I waited for Ashima to come out of the restaurant across the street.

And after few minutes she came out with that guy and hugged him before getting into a cab and left as that guy left too, leaving me angry as hell because now I know that there's definitely something going on between them and my grip tighten on the string wheel and jaw clenched at this thought.

"I won't let you go so easily" I whispered with determination before driving off.


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