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My hair was covering my face when I woke up, I sat up in bed to push it all back and glance over at Erebus. The night before had been truly unbelievable and as assured I hadn't felt any pain but when I shifted a dull soreness went through me but nothing that was unbearable. Suddenly two hands shot out from under the covers before I could even move Erebus was tickling me,

"Eeeeh" I squeaked as Erebus arms wrapped around me as his fingers pressed into my sides. Erebus chuckled as I squirmed frantically from side to side

"Erebus not this early in the morning!" My voice came out high pitched

"Haha! This early in the morning? It's nearly 2 in the afternoon," he hummed into my hair while shifting his arms around my waist to squeeze my body against his. I sighed sarcastically before turning in his embrace to face him, his eyes dragged open to look at me and a small smile graced upon his lips. I couldn't help but smile back before he leaned forward to kiss me passionately before pulling away. Breathless as usual.

"Are you alright? Not in any pain?" He asked I shook my head on the response.

His hand grazed over my cheek after a few more moments of us laying there in silence

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked

I blushed ridiculously red

"Stop it Erebus," I said giddily while planting my hands on his chest and ducking my head

"But it's true," he said putting his hands on mine

"After all that time being treated so terribly you would think that you'd be less perfect, but you're just so flawless" he cooed

I really didn't have anything to say to him, being smothered in compliments like this was not something I was necessarily used to.

"T-Thank you," I said shakily

He didn't reply, instead, he pressed a rough hand to my face and kissed me hard. I felt my body jolt a little bit at the sudden power but complaining was not even an idea as I eagerly kissed him back, but sadly I have these darn lungs that need air so I pulled away gasping a few minutes later.

"Come on, we can make breakfast together," he said grabbing my arms gently and sliding me across the covers.

"Okay" I replied simply while getting up to walk after him as he began to stride across the room,

We both walked down the stairs after getting dressed until we reached the bottom which then I began to slip into the kitchen as Erebus chuckled behind me.

We both decided that eggs and bacon would be this mornings breakfast choice as I got up on my tiptoes to reach the plates as Erebus hummed lowly while scrambling the eggs. If only every morning could be like this, normal and calm but sadly it couldn't be like all the time being the mate of the most powerful alpha in the nation. Instead of letting that thought ruin my morning though I simply went over and set the two plates down across from each other at the dining table. The air was filled with the savory scent of the bacon sizzling as Erebus walked with the eggs and setting an equal amount onto both of the plates. I went to retrieve the bacon off of the stove top before returning back to see Erebus had sat down. I sat down at my spot and we both began to eat slowly,

"Do you have anything specific happening with your alpha duties?" I asked not looking up from the plate of food

"No, nothing special except for signing papers" he replied

"Sounds like some fun" my voice dropped with sarcasm

He chuckled softly

"Very. We could go do something later if you would like" he glanced up at me with an expectant expression

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