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Everyone's awed and inspired by you,
and it's not very hard to see why...

"Home, sweet home," Morgan smiled at Gaston as she unlocked the door. "It's not much," she warned him. "But it's dry."

As they entered the small apartment, Gaston realized she wasn't kidding. Not only was the space cramped, but certainly she could use a pair of antlers to hang on the sparse walls. Or a portrait of him--

"I don't have the time for interior decorating," Morgan explained after a long, awkward pause. She must have felt his silent judgment as he glanced around the place. "Or the wallet."

That last part had been barely audible as she removed her shoes and walked towards the lone hallway.

"It's cozy," Gaston lied, slowly trailing behind her. Thankfully his blonde savior seemed to have bought it.

"I know you've had a long day." Morgan stopped and flipped on the light to what Gaston assumed was the water closet. "So wait here while I go see what I can scrounge up that might fit you," she instructed.

Gaston watched with curiosity as she popped open the glass door and turned the large silver handle. Before his very eyes, the contraption began spewing water.

"Indoor plumbing?" he questioned with a raised brow. "Why, I've only ever seen such advancements in the King's palace."

"Advancements?" Morgan chuckled as she eyed him strangely. "Where are you from?" she asked.

His spine stiffened as he turned to face her. He wondered if anyone back home had even realized he was missing.

"A small village just outside Paris," he replied. "I doubt you've ever heard of it."

"Really?" She tilted her head with the challenge. "That's odd, because I definitely thought most of France had running water."

Gaston shrugged his big shoulders before removing his coat. "I can assure you, mademoiselle, this will be my first time--" he paused as he looked towards the tiled walls. "What is this thing called, anyways?"

"A shower." Morgan smirked as she began backing out of the bathroom. "It's called a shower."

As Gaston slowly removed his boots and socks, he realized that not only was the 'shower' spraying water, but the steam rolling around the closet suggested it was actually hot.

"Be careful," she smiled as she re-entered with a stack of clothes. "The water tends to turn scalding after about twenty minutes or so. I've complained to management for months, but--"

Morgan gave a slight roll of her eyes before trailing off. Clearly a sore subject. But as she held up the grey sweatpants and oversized tee-shirt, she gave him a bright, satisfied smile.

"I think these will do," she nodded as she set them on the counter. "Towels are above the toilet, and there's shampoo and body wash in the shower," she told him before turning to go.

He had no idea what the last two items were, but as he stepped into the shower, he was relieved to see something that resembled good, old-fashioned soap. As the water pounded into the tense muscles of his back, Gaston gazed over at his mirror image in the glass door.

"Well ol' chap. It seems we've dodged a bullet again." The reflection nodded and paused to check itself out before going on. "It's going to take some time to get used to this world," he said. "But with that gorgeous angel as our guide, I think we'll adjust just fine."

Gaston studied his handsome face one more time, before shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower. No happily ever after? He could live with that. In fact, he was starting to wonder if being sent here had been a punishment at all.

Gaston | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now