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As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating...

"Gaston, stop!" Morgan laughed as he hovered over her.

With her wrists pinned to the mattress high above her head, the hunter ignored her words as he continued leaving a trail of wet kisses along her collar bone. As he moved in closer to the soft, sensitive flesh on the side of her neck, the gorgeous blonde resorted to begging as she writhed underneath him.

"Please, Gaston. I mean it," she pleaded with a slight chuckle. "The Chief will hang me if I show up with marks on my neck again."

"The Chief?" Gaston challenged. "Or Tom."

Morgan stiffened as she looked up at him, her eyebrows knitting together. "And what's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"Nothing," Gaston said before returning to nibble down Morgan's jaw and neckline. "Absolutely, nothing," he purred.

"Gaston! Seriously!" She cried again as he began pushing the fabric of her shirt out of the way. "I told you, I have to get ready for work."

At the sternness in her voice, the hunter groaned before rolling off of her. He hated this, her always leaving for hours at a time. If they had been in France, it would have been him providing for them. His fresh kill roasting on the stove while he pleasured her in the bed, or on a fur in front of the fireplace, or on every-single-surface-imaginable in his hunting lodge--

With a lick of his lips, Gaston's thoughts trailed off as he watched her perfectly round rump, bounce with each step as she sauntered down the hallway. He quickly pulled on a pair of loose-fitting, charcoal sweatpants before following after her. The stirring between his legs nearly unbearable as he watched her pull clothes from the dryer in nothing more than her lace panties and his white dress shirt.

"God, woman. The things that you do to me." He growled hungrily before cupping her ass in his large hands.

Spinning her around, Gaston pulled her flush against him before lifting and depositing her on top of the washing machine. With their lips moving as one, Morgan suddenly moaned into his mouth as he slid her to the edge and wrapped her legs around him.

A smirk pulled at Gaston's lips as he successfully distracted her from getting ready-- that is, until a loud snore suddenly thundered just beyond the hall.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot about LeFou," Morgan whispered loudly in shock.

"He was up so late playing 'Call of Duty', I think he's officially joined the ranks of the living dead," Gaston replied before leaning in to continue his assault on her neck.

Morgan laughed, but only for a moment.

"I'm not doing this," she warned, placing her hand firmly against his bare chest. "Not while he's sleeping right there on my couch."

His head hanging in defeat, Gaston sighed. "I swear, I'm absolutely not going to miss that little cock-blocker when he leaves at the end of the week."

"Oh my god," Morgan giggled before swatting Gaston on the arm. "That's your best friend," she reminded him. "Or better put, your only friend."

With a wince, Gaston's hand playfully flew up to his heart. "Ouch," he teased before staggering backwards.

Morgan smiled before sliding down from the washer. As she turned to walk back into her room, the hunter gave a swift slap to her bottom. He thought she was going to ignore him, but just before she shut and locked the bedroom door, Morgan turned slightly and blew him a kiss over her shoulder.


"So how do you really feel about LeFou finally leaving this weekend?" Morgan asked. Innocent, blue eyes turned upwards towards Gaston as they walked along the river's edge.

Truth be told, after having his old friend here with him for the past month, the hunter was starting to feel a little emotional over the realization that he was leaving. That was actually part of the reason why he had insisted on going out for dinner this evening. The second the female paramedic walked through the door after her ten hour shift, Gaston had whisked her away to his favorite Brazilian steak house. He wasn't sure if he could be trusted to spend another minute around LeFou without tearing up.

"I'll miss him a little," the huntsman admitted. "But it will be a lot easier knowing that I have you by my side."

As the couple continued their stroll through Central Park, Gaston just couldn't get rid of the grin plastered across his face. With her leftovers stashed under her arm inside a styrofoam box, Morgan's other arm entangled around his own as she tightly clung to him while they walked. There was just something about having this blonde bombshell dangling from his arm that had him feeling like his cocky old self again.

"I hope he doesn't loose his new glasses," Gaston remarked. Whether he was willing to admit it out loud or not, he would worry a little when LeFou was gone.

After nearly a week of LeFou narrowly missing the walls, Morgan had insisted that along with a make over, what the chubby little man really needed was to have his eyes checked. As it turned out, not only was LeFou nearsighted, but he had been diagnosed with a slight astigmatism too. The Doctor informed him that if he kept the glasses on at all times, with an exception during sleep, in a year or so his vision might even improve.

Morgan nodded. "Me too" she agreed before glancing back up at him.

All of a sudden, a tall figure emerged from the shadows brandishing a sharp threatening object. With a menacing smile he stalked forward, moonlight glinting off of the knife in his hand.

"Wallets, cell phones, jewelry," the man demanded.

With a gasp, Morgan immediately moved to follow the mugger's directions. She had learned early on, that it was usually just better to give them what they wanted. But Gaston just laughed as he drew himself up to his full, intimidating height.

"I don't think so." The hunter frowned with a slight shake of his head.  

As Gaston took a step forward, the thief's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No body likes a hero," the man warned. "Now, back off and do what I say, or else the pretty little lady here might get hurt."

The panic in his voice did not go unnoticed by Gaston. It was evident no one had ever stood up to the thief before, but this man had made one hell of a mistake when he decided to threaten his Morgan.

Gaston's eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring in anger as he shoved Morgan behind him. He was a hunter at heart, and by God, he'd just locked on to his next prey.

"Gaston," Morgan nervously whispered. "It's not worth it."

"You should have listened to her," the other man scoffed. Thrusting his hand forward, he was quick to add. "Now it's too late."

The man jabbed at Gaston, but the hunter was much to experienced and way to quick. With lighting speed, Gaston had removed the blade, the thief begging the hunter to let go as he fell to his knees. There was a sickening pop as Gaston snapped the mugger's wrist. A second later he stepped over the wailing man who was left cradling his arm and rocking back and forth on the ground.

Tucking Morgan into his side, Gaston turned back to the would be mugger.

"Let this be a lesson to you," the large huntsman bellowed. "Get a respectful job, one where you actually work for your money," he told the other man. "And if I see you out here again, " Gaston warned. "Next time, I promise I won't be as merciful."

*A/N- What's this? An early mid-week update? That's right! You guys have earned it... ENJOY! Rose*

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