Chapter 11

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Seth avoided the world like the plague. The announcement was so shocking that he'd barely registered it had come from the blog of a dead girl. May was cheating. The thoughts are like a broken record. Not only does he feel like a fool for being publicly humiliated - he'd never seen the signs. May was either skilled at hiding the truth, or he was skilled at avoiding red flags. I'm a fool either way.

He'd avoided school for the last three days. He figured he'd get an early jump start on the weekend. He hasn't left his room - he'd become part of the furniture.

Jake stood outside his closed door with his ear pressed against the wood. He could hear the rustling of the sheets. A confirmation that Seth is still breathing. He knocks on the door but receives no reply. He knocks again. Still nothing.

"Seth," He calls out. "This is getting ridiculous."

Still nothing.

"I get you're upset, but she's not worth it." He pipes up. "Full offense, she was never that great."

The mild sound of shuffling can be heard before the door slowly slides open.

"How could you say that?" Seth angrily questions his older brother.

"It's the truth." He taunts. "Hiding away forever isn't going to solve anything."

Seth hates that he's right.

"I heard there's a Halloween thing at your school. How about we go?"

It's one of the last things he wants to do but he's not going to say anything.

Halloween night with a sadistic killer running around. What could go wrong?

Everyone is abuzz with their favorite night of the year. The one night that everyone gets to pretend without being judged. Unfortunately, it's also the one night that no one can be identified. The entire local police force litters the school in search of anything that may be deemed suspicious.

It was the sheriff's only condition for this festival to continue. Especially since his daughter would be attending and her life has already been threatened.

From the hordes of skeletons and countless monster masks - it is easy to hide their true monstrous personalities under the overload of makeup and masks. Halloween unleashes the monster inside everyone.

From undead vampires to obscene witches, everyone was excited for a carefree night.

As a joke, Amelia dressed as a police officer much to the chagrin of her father. Lillian arrived with her in a doctor's uniform.

The pair awkwardly stand at the entrance of the school unsure and apprehensive of what awaits. Neither one are a fan of horror considering they're already experiencing one.

They are greeted by an eager crowd as they enter the school. The hallways are dimly lit and spider webs cover the vast majority of lockers. Skeletons and mummies litter the open spaces.

Lillian is almost certain a mummy winked at her. She shakes the thought off and anxiously trails behind Amelia not wanting to get lost. A cold chill runs down Amelia's spine once they enter the gymnasium. Memories of the last event run through her mind like a montage.

Tiffany's body is barely in the ground.

She and Lillian grab a drink at the snack table and shamelessly judge everyone's costumes as they drink their lukewarm beverage.

She nearly drops her drink as Seth approaches them in a pirate costume. Lillian notes it's the same one he wore last year. Jake towers behind him donned in a varsity jacket. How jock of him.

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