Chapter 21

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It felt like hours. Hours of repetitive interrogation. Long enough for him to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes, and guzzle three refills of Espresso. He leans his elbows on the table and taps his foot. The confined room made him uneasy and he could feel judgmental gazes on him despite being alone in the room. The hairs on the back of his neck rise and he places his hands on the back of his head. One. Two. Three. He chants in his head as he deeply inhales and exhales. His heart is beating far too erratically. The entire situation has left a foul taste in his mouth.

He'd been rattled when presented with a series of text conversations between himself and Abigail. Texts he has no recollection of sending. The texts date back for weeks, up until a few minutes before her murder. Text conversations he's certain were not sent by him.

So how was it sent from my phone?

The dense air made his chest feel heavy. The waiting has been a silent killer and he isn't sure how much more he can take.

Amelia bolted into her dad's office. He was in a deep discussion with officer Nichols, but she couldn't care less. She had to know what was going on.

"Dad, why did you bring Jake in for questioning?" Seth had called her and she dropped everything she was doing to interrogate her father.

"Stay out of this, Amelia." The stress has been too overbearing and the town has been directing their grievances on him. He couldn't handle his daughter applying the pressure too.

"He didn't do anything!" She exclaims.

"I have evidence he did!" He retaliates with an equal amount of aggression. "He texted Abigail Westcliffe shortly before her murder!"

She was taken aback by his statement. How is that possible?

"Jake was with me the entire time that night. There is no way he had an opportunity to murder her." She walks further into the office.

"Don't cover for him, Amelia." Her dad commands.

"He was my date!" She exclaims with desperation. "I was with him the entire time!"

She pleaded in hopes he'd listen to her. It couldn't have been Jake.

"Then why were there texts from his phone?" Officer Nichols pipes in and Amelia has to restrain herself from pulling her hair out.

"I don't know, but I'm telling you he was with me." She firmly gazes into her father's eyes hoping he can sense the sincerity in them.

He searched her face for any indication of a mistruth, he always knew her tells when she was lying. He didn't find anything. With an overdramatic sigh, he gently rubs his temples.

"If you want to be his alibi, then he's free to go. For now."

Jake had never been happier to see someone than he did Amelia. Sheriff Beckett explained he'd had an alibi and he was free to go. A part of him thought it was a sick joke, but Amelia's reassuring presence eased his rampant mind. He'd unintentionally embraced her in his arms. The relief took over.

"Thank you." He whispered as he pulled away.

"Of course, you're innocent." She shrugged.

She glanced at officer Nichols a few feet away as he gazed at the pair with displeasure. Opting to ignore the judgment, she places her hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get out of here, Seth's waiting for you outside."

His younger brother wasted no time in wrapping his arms around him in a secure embrace. They'd both been emotionally stressed over the situation, and now that they're reunited the physical stress has taken over.

"Who do you think is behind this?" Seth did not attempt to mask his anxiousness.

Amelia and Jake exchange glances.

"We're not sure." She folds her arms across her chest. "It has to be someone that could get access to Jake's phone."

"It could be anyone," Seth argues. "They could have taken it anytime without his knowledge."

"I know, it's going to be impossible to figure it out." Jake agrees. "Someone that has it out for me."

"That's a long list." Amelia attempts to lighten the conversation.

She's certain she caught him trying to repress a smile, but it disappeared before she could know for certain.

"Whoever is behind this, is truly sadistic." Seth's tone exudes disgust. "They've destroyed so many lives and it's as if they're nowhere near finished."

"I hate to agree with you." Amelia sulks. "Whoever this is has thought this out, and they have something against all of us."

"Why us?"

"I have no idea, but we need to try and figure it out. There's a connection between us that we haven't figured out yet."

"Someone that knows all our secrets." Jake sighs. "This person knows things about me that only May would know."

The mention of her ignites a sense of dread in Seth's stomach. He may have forgiven his brother, but it doesn't mean the situation doesn't hurt him.

"And Rosemary." He adds. "Rosemary knew everything. She loved sadistic games like this. She took sick pleasure out of uncovering the skeletons in your closet and exploiting it."

"So, this person should have a connection to May and Rosemary." Amelia wonders as she wracks her brain for anyone that may come to mind. "I didn't know either of them well, but from what I can remember they never really ran in the same social circle."

"They hated each other," Seth agreed. "But as much as I loved May, she and Rosemary shared a sadistic side. They loved gossip and drama."

"My brain hurts too much to think right now," Jake announces. "Let's sleep on this and we can talk again tomorrow."

They agreed with him and entered Seth's car. As Amelia glanced out the opened window, she spotted detective Nichols standing outside the entrance leaning against a pillar. Staring right at them.

The night is supernaturally dark. The absence of light deprived Lillian of her senses. Why did I not bring a flashlight? She mentally curses as she reaches for her phone but the glow is nothing more than a pinpoint of luminosity. The shovel in her hand collides with a rock or something strong enough for the chattering to echo through the darkness, followed by the shrieks of nature. She ventures further into the woods until she feels she's far enough away from civilization.

I can't have anyone finding this.

She begins to dig, grunting as she slams the steel shovel against the damp ground. The perspiration rapidly runs down her forehead to the tip of her nose, but she ignores it and continues digging.

I need to get this done.

After a few more minutes of intense labor, she's partially satisfied with the depth. Reaching into her back pocket she retrieves the incriminating polaroids and tosses them into the hole. She reaches for the contents in her other back pocket and glances at the handcrafted friendship bracelets in her hand.

The letters BFF sewn in the fabric make her frown. As incriminating as these objects are - the real danger lies in the video recordings. The video recordings she does not have access to because only two individuals were fortunate enough to have access to footage of that life-altering night.

And they're both dead. 

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