Chapter 23

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Ricks pov.

this day is one of the worst days we could've every had. Sophia is gone and now so is Justin. I know I never got to know him but I felt like I lost another son. Kayla was like, hell kayla was my daughter now, seeing her hurt like this killed me. There is nothing I or anyone could do except be there for her. I watched as daryl carried the boys body to an empty grave. I ran up to him as he lowered him in the grave. I could be wrong but I thought I saw a tear in daryl dixon's eyes.

"You ok?" I asked.

he just grunted.

"I know you did everything you could to find that little girl. That means the world to all of us." I said.

he said nothing. Still looking down at the grave infront of him.

"how's she doing?" I asked.

"she's broken." He said.

"I figured that much. She's gonna need you daryl. Now more than ever." I said.

"she don't need me. She needs you and your boy." He grunted.

i knew this is how he deals with pain. He pushes everyone away.

"don't push her away. She's lost all her family she has now. 2 of the most important men in her life are gone now. Don't be the third." I said.

That got his attention. I don't see why he doesn't see that she cares for him. He always denies and he denies he feels anything back for her.

"I'm going to go talk to her. Tell her the funerals bout to start." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

he flinched and nodded.

i started to walk to her tent when he called from behind me,

"she's in my tent."

i nodded and kept on walking. I was about there when Carl ran up to me.

"where ya going dad?"

"Telling kayla it's time for the funerals." I said.

"can I come to? I want to see her." He said.

I turned and squatted down to his level,"let me talk to her first. She just lost someone very important to her. Also Carl she's going to need time. She may not seem like herself for a while and that doesn't mean she's mad at you or anything. We just gotta be there for her ok?"

He nodded.

"good now go find your mom." I said kissing his forehead and he ran to the house.

i walked into the tent and stopped. She was pale and was completely frozen her cheeks stained with tears and her hair was covering her face as she looked towards the ground. I sat next to her.

"Kayla." I started to say.

"please don't." She whispered.

"you can't shut me out. You need people now more than ever." I said.

"it was my fault Rick. I should've been the one to lead the walkers away. I'm the big sister! I should've protected him, not the other way around." She whispered.

i wrapped my arm around her,"don't you think that for one minute. Kayla look at me."

She finally did and she didn't look like herself. Her eyes, bloodshot red. Cheeks white and puffy. It kindof startled me.

"you listen to me. He did it because he loved you. That day your little brother became a man. He wanted you to live and that's exactly what he did. You protected him his whole life and he died finally being ale to protect you." I said.

"but he promised Rick. He promised he'd find me and that he'd be ok. He never breaks a promise." She cried but quickly wiped her tears.

i grabbed her hand to stop her from it,"don't. Kayla you need to cry. If you keep it all inside, you'll hurt yourself worse. Let it all out. I'm not going anywhere."

She nodded and then hugged me crying into my chest hard.i held her back equally as hard. She was finally letting everything out. That tough girl act was just a shell. It hid the hurt girl inside her. Once she started to calm down I said,

"ya know I'm very grateful for your brother."

she looked at me confused.

i wiped a tear sliding down her face,"if it wasn't for him. I might have never met you and I would never know what having a daughter would be like."

That brought a small smile to her face. I stood up and offered her my hand,"now come on we are starting the funerals."

she grabbed onto it and stood up,"thanks Rick."

"Any time. I'm always here. I love you so much." I said hugging her.

I could tell she was shocked by her body language when I hugged her. She was like she was holding on for dear life. I didn't mind it though. This girl was just as important to me as Carl was And I protect my children.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя