Chapter 23 - The Girl I Broke

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Colton POV

The burden of Skylar's emotions crash against the walls I constructed. As much as I don't want to feel her sorrow and pain, she forces me to. I feel how her heart aches at the death of those who I killed. I feel the darkness take over her mind as she gives up to the fight. I feel her lose herself to her thoughts. 

This bond will be the death of me. 

I rub my temples, trying to soothe a headache forming in my head from Skylar's constant hurricane. Her wolf howling to mine makes my hands shake in anger. I just want it to stop. 

I stand up, knocking the chair over behind me and growl lowly to myself. I know I am the cause of her pain and I know I should feel something about it, but I can't. They wanted what was mine. They wanted my mate. I couldn't let them have her. So I didn't let them. I don't get why she can't understand that. 

I quickly step away from my desk, exiting and locking my office so I can search for her. To my surprise, I find her in the same chair I left her in four hours ago. My eyes scan over her slowly, taking in her appearance and committing it to memory. Her swollen red eyes, her chapped lips, her pale skin and her empty eyes  - everything indicating a broken, lost girl. I broke her. She's lost her fight. And that awakens something in me. 

I'm not sure if I can explain it, but it's like an emptiness. Like, I have lost my mate. I don't know, I feel like I am speaking in riddles. 

I don't know what this is, but whatever it is can take a hike any minute now. 

"Colton?" Her raspy voice calls out to me. 

"I'm here, love." I comforted, awkwardly. I wrap my arms around her small frame, lifting her up so I can sit her on my lap. She curls into me. Sparks run up and down my body, a feeling I don't think I will ever get comfortable with. 

"I hate you so much." She croaks. "But I can't fight anymore." 

"Then don't fight. I'm here for you. You will always be mine." 

She releases a silent sob that is so hard, it violently shakes her entire body. I tighten my hold on her, trying to offer her whatever comfort I can. I need her pain to go away so I can get rid of its hold on me. 

"Okay. Take me to bed?" She asks and I quickly carry her to my room. I sit her on my bed, remove her shoes and clothes, then I tuck her under the blankets. I carefully climb in behind her after I remove my own clothing, holding her close to my chest. I feel her finger lightly drawing over my arm. 

"Sleep, Skylar." I murmur. 

"Yes, Colton." She whispers in return. 

I can feel I'm losing her, but I am not sure what to do. A thousand words cross my mind, but none of them can be said with any conviction - at least from my mouth. I watch her close her eyes and listen to her breathing grow steady, indicating she is falling into a restless slumber. I quickly follow suit, falling into a nightmare-filled sleep of my own.


I'm awoken by a blinding light peaking through my curtains. My arms are still tightly wrapped around my sleeping mate who is now facing me. I sweep a loose lock of her hair behind her ear, admiring the sleeping beauty. Her eyes are still slightly swollen from the night before, but her colour has returned. 

I gently shake her until her eyes pop open. "Good morning, love." I start. "We have a big day ahead of us."

At first, her eyes show panic, but she quickly replaces them with that same empty look she gave to me the night before. "Okay, I will get ready." She replies quietly. I remove my arm from her as she gets up from the bed and heads to the bathroom. 

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