Chapter 4

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He sprinted toward the Captain as fast as his legs would carry him. The bullet hole in his leg throbbed, but that would have to be ignored for now. He had to save Gwen's father.

"The lizard," George Stacy breathed.

"It's okay, we got him," Peter assured him. "Now let's get you out of here."

He reached down to pull him up, but Captain Stacy gave a cry of pain. That's when Peter saw the extent of the damage. Blood streamed out of three large holes where the lizard had pierced his torso. There was no way the Captain would survive this, especially with Peter's web shooters damaged beyond repair. Peter lowered himself to the ground and looked up into his eyes, the Captain had already known his fate.

"You need to... You need to be gone when they get here. Okay?"

"I'm not going anywhere," said Peter. He would stay with Gwen's father as he passed. Nobody deserved to die alone.

"I was wrong about you, Peter. This city needs you. Here," he handed Peter his mask. "You're gonna need this. You're gonna make enemies. People will get hurt. Sometimes the people closest to you. So I want you to promise me something, okay?"

Peter nodded his head reassuringly. Of course he would promise him what he needed. How could he deny a man his dying wish?

"Leave Gwen out of it. Promise me that."

Peter let out a low gasp.

He looked up into the Captain's eyes. How could he promise him this? Did he not know how much Gwen meant to him?

"You promise me."

Peter looked down at the ground. It would be so wrong to deny him this promise.


Peter's head snapped up and once again the scene had changed before his eyes. It was no longer Captain George Stacy looking back at him, but Gwen. She was smiling up at him, despite the blood trickling from her nose.

"Oh my God, oh my God," he reached his hand out to her, but as he did, Gwen's expression suddenly changed. She looked furious.

"How could you Peter!? First you get my father killed, and then me! I thought you loved me!" she lashed out at him.

"Gwen I- I do love- I'm so sorry..."

"You should have learned after your uncle died that what you are is dangerous, Peter. Spider-Man is dangerous. He gets people killed. You should have listened to my father."

"I tried, Gwen. I tried to so hard but it was hurting me to stay away from you for so long. Please..."

"Hurting you!?" she laughed, "Look at me, Peter! Look what you've done to me."

"No, Gwen..." but he didn't finish his sentence because Gwen's body suddenly went limp and her head hit the ground echoing the thud from the tower.

"Gwen, no! Not again, please, not again!" he cried out and reached for her, but to his dismay the instant he touched her, her body had disappeared.

Gwen was gone. Forever. He had killed her again.

Peter shot straight up out of his sleep, gasping for air. The sound of Gwen's head hitting the floor was ringing through his ears.

Get it together, he thought. It was just a dream. He brought his hand to his forehead and wiped away the sweat that was beginning to drip. Why did he have to be reminded of his failures every night? Wasn't it bad enough that he had let all of those people down?

Daylight was streaming through his curtains, so he decided to get up for the day. As he was putting on his jeans, another thought had crossed his mind. Even though I have to deal with these dreams, at least I get to see her face again.

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