Chapter 15

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Logan grabbed my hand after my mum left. I looked at him with a slight fear.
"What's wrong, if your not ready i don't-" I cut logan off before he could finish.
"It's okay, i just don't feel like i want to loose my freedom but i also don't want to feel a heat..." I sighed as i rested my head onto his chest.

"I will take it slow i promise, you won't have your heat until next month, i don't want to rush things..." He sighed. I knew he wanted to complete the process but I just wasn't ready.


Soon enough the weekend came then the summer holidays and soon enough it was the next month, the month I was going to heat. I didn't want to do this but I felt as if I was being forced to. I put on some clothes," 2 days till my heat" i murmured, I needed to complete the mating process before 2 days time or else I will go through extreme pains.

I grabbed my stomach, the slight pains where beginning to arrive, I had to do this but I just wasn't ready. I went round to the pack house dread was fuzzing all my thoughts. I really didn't want to do this (A/N: or write this for that matter xD) I knocked on the door and my Logan answered.
"Hey Lyra. I umm.... 2 days.... are you sure your ready?" He mumbled while scratching the back of his head

Logan lead me to his room, as I walked into the small room there was a blue bed, blue carpet, blue curtains, blue everything! Even the desk had a blue blanket over it. I laughed at the amount of blue in his room, the extreme he went to just to make it all blue was unbelievable! We sat on the bed and began to chat

"I like you room, very blue." I told him. He gave one of his laughs and fell into me, almost limply. He lay on top of me and looked into my blue eyes, his brown ones staring right back. He flicked his hair out his eye then wiped my ginger hair round.

He began to move down to where the mark was and looked at it. The mating process was different in this pack. I grabbed his shoulders as he watched the mark, what he had to do was take it away and place it the other side, it would hurt but not as much as a heat would.

I wrapped my arms around him, i didn't really want to do this as it's basically like ripping of part of my skin, but that's what he has to do to claim me.

I felt his teeth seep into my mark as he ripped it out i screamed. No blood came out to my suprise but Logan still had to mark me again and almost glue his mark to me.

He hovered over different spots to my left shoulder trying to pick the perfect one. He finally angled himself up as i braced myself.

He released his canines into my neck piercing a hole for the mark to go in. I screamed as the mark set itself into me. Then it was all done! I was claimed by Logan!

I looked at his brown eyes, full of love, i loved him and he loved me back.

Our lips crashed together, Mating process complete. My wolf flipped out inside me.

I loved him....

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