Chapter 22

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Lyras POV ~

We had a plan all we had to do was hope it worked and i hope i didn't get anyone hurt. I knew if i didn't turn up my father would do something to the pack, being luna i had to turn up no matter what. Now we had a plan i felt a little more confident.

I walked up to the pack house to find a black figure. It was kind of overweight a bit nowadays but i could make it out enough to know it was my father. I held my head high and walked up to him. He had his hood up and face down.

"Hello daughter..." He murmured.
"YOU ABANDONED ME!" I screamed at him instantly. He left me with mum right at the start on my birthday! I couldn't forgive him however hard i tried.

He grabbed my collar and held me up to his face, he looked into my eyes.
"Now now missy. We don't want to wake the husband, daughter or... oh wait." He trailed of his little speech and put me down. He pulled the cover off of a big box behind him.

Inside sat a terrified Emily and a overprotective Ryan. I nodded to my brother deciding to play my next cards safer.
"You want them both to live, you listen to me!" He pulled back another cover with Lunar and Shade underneath and i stood there in shock.

The plan had not worked... Dad somehow found out.
"I want you to give up..." He began as he ripped down the last sheet revealing Logan. I looked at the big scary alpha looking so hopeless in a silver bared cage.

"I want you to come 'Home' " He laughed and evil, hatred filled laugh.
"Then what..." I muttered.
"Then me and my wife will make you our slave or kill you if your not good enough." He replied.
"And if i don't?" I asked.
"These friends of yours will never see the light of day of eternal peace..." he muttered darkly.

I let myself step forward and him to chain me, he then threw the key toward Shade and Lunars cage.
"Take care guys." His sharp words spat. He laughed again as he threw me into the trunk of his car.


I lay in the car asleep away with my dreams hoping and willing that it wasn't going to be to bad. I hopped tag Logan would be a great parent by himself to little Emily. I hoped Ryan and Lunar could cope. I hoped Shade didn't try to find me.

I sighed at it all after the car stopped. The boot opened up and i was faced with the light of day. There stood before my eyes where a big mansion that my jaw dropped at.
"This is mine and your stepmums house, you have the garage." He then indicated to a small hut near the house.

He gave me another one of his evil laughs and lead me inside the mansion. There stood before us was a woman who had obviously had more plastic surgery than a doll! I shook my head in shock. What had my once loving father become.

"Hello hun!" This woman hugged into my dad and kissed him. It was horrifying to watch as they looked like they where fighting for food in the others mouth EW!
"Can you get some tea and set up this film slave!" The woman ordered me.

"Yes ma'am..." I replied as i took the DVD from her hands. I put it in the CD player and pressed play.
"Films on!" I screamed out to them as i went into the kitchen to cook the tea.

I sighed. This was my life now i guess...

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